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So. It's been a while since I used this account. It's been much longer since I finished The Last Sídhe during the 2022 Open Novella Contest, which was... a ride. I wasn't happy with it then, nor am I now. Which is fine: that's really a part of writing a first draft, but it's always nagged at me that it's sitting on my profile, very much rushed and incomplete. Even compared to Solivagant, which I started writing in 2020 and definitely needs rewriting, it's a mess. 

But I've been working on the rewrite of TLS in the background, fixing up plot lines, adding more lore, and generally reworking the whole thing with the eventual goal of publishing it—which is where this comes in. Since 2022, I've added a whole lot to this book. To be honest, it's not even the same thing. Whether you've read TLS or not, you should have no problems picking this up.

Maeve and Aeden are, as before, the main characters, but they differ quite a bit from their original versions—though I've made sure Mae retained her sass and Aeden his... well, let's call it his bratty charm. But there's many more people in their lives and the main plot now, and they're on what's more or less an entirely different journey to save the world. Even the ending has changed, which is good since the first draft's was quite rushed and nonsensical. 

This isn't going to be at all perfect or complete—with how much I'm changing, this is practically another first draft—but I'm far more happy with it thus far than I was with TLS. So here I am, making my grand return to Wattpad to share it here. This project likely won't stay up once I get deeper into the publication process, but for now it's my greatest pleasure to bring it to y'all and get back to posting on this platform. I've missed it!

- Dreams

P.S. I will be keeping some backlog (at least two chapters worth) that will only be available to folks in my Discord server, which is linked in my Wattpad bio. This is for my own sanity so I have something to fall back on. But no worries: I'll still be posting chapters here regularly.

P.P.S. This book draws heavy inspiration from Irish folklore and the language, but is not at all meant to represent it. I simply find elements of it beautiful and wanted to adapt them into a story. In the end, it's still just fantasy :D

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