Chapter 2: What is chi & how to build it

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When it comes to the topic of chi it's important to realize that chi is our internal energies. A good reference to point to is the chakras and dantians in Hinduism and taoism. The three main chakras or dantians are the root chakra/sacral chakra, The heart chakra, and the third eye chakra. The reason why I say these are the three main chakras is because these three govern the other ones that are close to it or relative to its space. The root/sacral chakra deals with your sexual energies, The heart chakra deals with your emotions & feelings, and the third eye chakra deals with your intuition, clairvoyance, and imagination.
So by building these energies you build your chi a.k.a your inner lights.
This is what it means to have enlightenment, because once you tap into and build these energies you will be enlightened in life about your circumstances going forward. This is because you can't have intuition without having imagination or vision and you can't be psychic or tap into the psyche without being tapped into the emotions and feelings. So by taking the time to work on building these energies will increase your overall chi and life force.
Tai chi, Qi gong, and certain forms of yoga are good at circulating and transmuting chi throughout the body. Sexual energies are also important to build on as well. Not only is this a source of chi energy and life force, But also aids in the accumulation of chi that will be transmuted into other types of energy and chi as well.

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