Before you start reading...

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This is more or so a guide before you start reading this book! First things first...thanks for choosing this fanfic! I've been having this idea ever since Fall of 2023, and it feels so great for it to finally come true! I can't wait for what's to come. Anyways..

Murder - This is a murder story, so expect a lot of it.
Weapons - ...I don't think I need to explain this. Lightbulb needs it to move the story along!
Bad Writing - This is my first fanfic, so expect poor vocabulary and for people to be out-of-character sometimes.
Censored Swearing - It's not gonna appear as much, but there is gonna be some.

(will add more in the future)



-The story takes place between II2 E10 and II2 E11

-The entire S2 Cast will be featured - even the eliminated ones. (sorry S1 fans)

Alr that's all from me

ELECTRICAL PHYSCOPATH - an II fanficWhere stories live. Discover now