A man's journey into a better man

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          I am  a 26 year old man who has distinguished features. And I know it. I know this because women and men always say yes to me whenever I am at the club. Everyone in my life always said I  had the face that could only be rivaled by a god.  At my place of work, I am always using my charm to get privileges that no one else has. Whenever I am on a date I show my true colors contrary to what I was like at the first meeting. Who knew that road was going to end real soon.

          Tonight, for me at least, is another night. But I could tell she wanted more than what I was willing to give. It just started to get dark as I walk into the Italian restaurant. It is my first time in this restaurant, never taking any of my dates somewhere this fancy, but she insisted. The walls were tainted in a crimson color and the tables were made of black granite.
From the corner of my eye I see her waving me over. I head towards her and I do a double take when I'm a foot away from her. I've never seen a woman look like her. In her profile picture she is wearing black pants, and a green crop top that did absolutely nothing to show her beauty in real life. From where I'm standing, she's wearing a red dress that shows off her curves, black and silver heels, and all silver jewelry to accompany with.
           She steps towards me and hugs me unexpectedly and smiles. "It's great to finally meet you Lex." She lets go of the embrace and we sit in our respective seats and I can't help notice the slight fear in her eyes, but I work well with fear.
"So, why this place? This place is pretty fancy for a first date." Also not where I ever bring a woman that I'm going to forget that exists in a day or two, they always flee by the end.
            "No reason at all. I've heard great reviews." She says and I notice her voice went up an octave as she says it. That's an indication of her lying.
I hum in response and give her a questioning look but frankly I don't care at all of what she thinks, as long as she comes home with me, I don't care what she says. I start to ask where she works to give a sense that I actually care. The waitress comes over and asks if we're ready to order. We order quickly; I add "make sure it comes out quickly doll"' to the end of our order. The waitress gives a dirty look but I smirk anyway. Lex squirms in her seat, she looks to make sure the waitress leaves before giving me the dirtiest look her innocent cute face can make.
           "What the hell was that?" she asks in an angered tone but to me it sounds like a baby lion trying to make themselves seem scarier then they are.
             "What? It was nothing. Just making sure she does her job correctly" I reply back in the most innocent voice I can muster. Lex huffs in response but lets it go.
                 In the next 10 minutes the two of us keep talking, and I realize there's something different about her. There's this essence to her that I've never seen before in a woman. Never once has a girl been this perfect before. She's perceptive in a way that would make it easy enough to let my anger out without her running for the hills. In the last few minutes I've learned she's very docile, a great quality for women to have. I think it's time for me to start showing what I want. I shift my hand to her left thigh, her eyes widen in shock, the same fear in her eyes that I have already learned to love.
            "Ca-Can you st-stop?" she stammers. "I don't feel comfortable. Please move your hand."
With a grin, I reply with "But where's the fun in that?"
              Before she has a chance to react our food comes out and it's someone different. Someone who I definitely have met before also someone who absolutely hates my guts. "Olivia, how lovely it is to see you again."
"Feeling's not mutual, too bad you're not lying in a ditch in a gutter somewhere." My old hookup turns her face to my current hookup. "How is he treating you sis?" Wait what. No that can not be. I'm definitely not getting her in my bed tonight.
             "Oh did I forget to tell you? You and my sister went out a year ago. She told me once I showed her your profile. She said to say no to the date but I wanted to see if the rumors were true. I'm disappointed to say they are."
                 My jaw clicks shut. "What rumors?"
"That you're a jackass who doesn't respect women, playboy, takes girls to your apartment and next morning you throw them out."
              Hell, I have been known to do that. I stupidly didn't realize that it was going to make its rounds. "Lexie, sweetheart I promise I won't do that to you. You're...different." I'll do anything to make her come with me.
             "How do-do you know you won't" she stammers once again. "You-your track record doesn't show me that you can".
             I take a hold of her wrist soft enough to not harm but enough to show my insistence. "Lexie, I swear I won't do that to you." Her eyes are going anywhere but me, so I take my other hand and tip her head up to she's looking at me directly in the eyes. "You'll be safe with me. I promise you, no harm will come to you when you're with me." I don't really mean that but she's different from any of the girls. She doesn't just say yes. It'll be fun making her fall in love with me.
              Her sister is glaring at me but she speaks to my date with venom seeping through her words. "Alexandria, no. You're not going to go home with this, this monster."
               "Can you leave, Alana? I think I'm okay." My new muse replies.
           "Lexie, you're not going to leave with Zayn. No way in hell I'm letting that happen." She says sternly.
If this girl doesn't stop talking..."Alana, if you don't leave in the next 3 seconds, I'll have your job."
"I'm the manager of this restaurant. You can't threaten me."
          "You're the assistant manager, there's a difference. Now leave before I'll get the actual manager and the owner."
           She looks in shock, then proceeds to scoff and her high heels click away in the distance.
          "So was this the reason you were so persistent in coming to this place? Because you wanted to make sure your sister was here?" I ask while my hand that still has a hold of her wrist tightens slightly, now having my thumb rub her knuckles. 
               "Yeah" she says with a sheepish look. "Alana, and some of the girls reached out to me saying you are a walking red flag and I'll just be another of your playthings."
             I swear I'm going to murder someone. "Sweetheart, I have never once in a million ever hurt a woman". It's my attitude that every woman seemed to have a problem with. I don't know why, I'm delightful.
             "So the words you've shared, that doesn't hurt them? Zayn, let me put it straight, you're hot, like godly hot, but you're an asshole. You have a reputation among women that scares me, actually scares me. Maybe someday but not now. I'm sorry". She stands up. "The bill is already paid. Goodbye Zayn". Lexie's already out the door before I say anything to defend myself.
              Over the next 2 weeks I've tried repeatedly to say anything to her. She keeps ignoring me saying she shouldn't give me a second chance and that Alana keeps checking her messages and keeps deleting mine. Lexie's 22 for god's sake and she's being treated like a child. And I've gotten sick of it. I've never been an irrational person but this girl has me going crazy. Luckily from the Alana days I know where she lives. So against my better judgment I knock on her door.
                A man who's not that much shorter than me answers the door. He stares at me for a few seconds, scoffs, and tries to shut the door but I act quicker and slam my foot between the door and the threshold. "Listen dude, get off the property before I call the police."
             "I'm not causing any harm. I'm just a simple man who's trying to talk to a girl."
                "That girl is my sister. She shouldn't be out with you. A man with a reputation like yours." This reputation is going to ruin me I swear.  "Listen dude whoever you are. Lexie is a grown adult and she shouldn't be treated like a child. She can decide for herself.
              "She's 22 like you said," he taunts. "She doesn't know what she needs. Either way I set her up with my friend".
               "You what?" The voice of my sweet angel appears.
           "Lex, Jack is a good guy. Much better than this guy."
              "Hen, Jack is not what I want." She's right this mystery man is not what she wants but I am.
            "Well too bad, he's a better man than this" he says while motioning to me.
                "I don't have a choice in who I date?" she asks in disbelief.
               "At this point in your life, no you don't". I step closer to him but Lex shakes her head no. I nod and leave. I make sure to text her 'Text if you need help. Anytime day or night'. She didn't reply back.
                Over the next week, I've gotten increasingly worried that Lexie is in a bad situation. I've been constantly stalking her instagram and the guy she's with is a different kind of walking red flag I swear. And girls think I'm bad? This guy is on another level. I stand by that statement because of the text I've just received from him through her phone.
'I have never met a guy who's as desperate as you. She doesn't want you. She wants me. Only me. You ever text this number again. I'll make a case report for harassment. You were right about one thing. She's easy'.    
              This man is a pathetic excuse for what you would call a police officer. I think, to make it easier on her if I wait until she texts me. The way this maniac is behaving, she's going to call sooner or later.
                 I'm leaning over the counter when my coworker Brielle comes over to me and slams down a patient's chart. "Okay you've been moping around for the last month and I know for a fact you've haven't been on a single date in 3 weeks. That's out of character for you. What's up?"
              Damn her. She's my saving grace in this damn hospital but she's always up in my business. It's goddamn annoying. When I don't speak and glare at her, she gives me her signature pout that will bend anyone to her will. "I went out with this girl 3 weeks ago, Lexie. She brought something out of me. She's amazing, sweet, kind, and strong willed when she wants to be. But before we even finished the date her big sister Alana, one of my old flings" she gives me a look that basically says 'are you kidding me', "don't give me that look, I didn't know it was Alana's sister. Plus we didn't even have a falling out that terrible, definitely not as bad as the others. It was a one night stand" she gives me another look. "I had class, this was during med school days. Alana got pissed. I left without explanation and was pissed about me saying I didn't want to go any further. No actual reason why Alana should actually be pissed."
                "Sure Alana has no reason to be pissed but all the other girls you messed with? They do" I groan at that. I slump over the counter. "Anyway what happened with Alana?"
                 "Turns out the restaurant we were at she's the assistant manager and hence the only reason why we went to that restaurant. She came over and started this scene and not 5 minutes later Lexie leaves. I tried texting her to prove I wouldn't be like that with her but Alana keeps deleting the messages".  I look straight into her eyes. "She's something special Bri." God I sound crazy.
              She laughs "You are crazy usually but now you're crazy in love. Zayn if you want to show you've changed, which is a long time in the making but for the past 3 weeks you haven't been terrible. Which is a good start, make her see that. Now you've been assigned to the clinic all day."
    "The clinic? I haven't been assigned the clinic in months"
            "This is what you get when you don't flirt with your boss, you get treated as everyone else. Matt's also down there.  Go." Ugh I should have stayed an ass. I head down to my doom of the day.
              The first thing is about 6 patients in their respective beds. I do a double take when I see Matt talking to Lexie and she has a massive bruise and a cut on her cheek. I make my way to her bed. She looks at me in shock but I don't acknowledge her. "Matt, I got her. Go over to the woman needing a pregnancy test."
            "What? No way in hell am I trading a cut for a pregnancy test." Ugh this guy is anything surgical junkie, can't even take a simple pregnancy test which is literally waiting and doing nothing.
"I'll do your scut for 2 weeks."
He laughs and pats me on the back. "You got yourself a deal". He's off to bed 3.
            I turn my focus to Lexie. "You need stitches" she begins to speak but I cut her off before she can get word in. "Don't speak. You have a massive bruise and you need stitches on your face. Wouldn't want to mess with your movie maker."
               As soon as I'm done with the sutures she opens her mouth. "I didn't know you were a doctor."
"First year intern. Now tell me how this happened."
"I fell down some stairs. Nothing bad" she says quickly and her voice goes up two octaves .
             "You know sweetheart, everyone has a tell when they're lying. Yours? Yours is your voice goes high. Did Jack do this to you?" I knew this guy was bad news. I shouldn't have left her alone with that man. God I'm going to murder him.
            She shakes her head repeatedly. "No god no. Jack's great. Trust me." She's lying through her teeth, it sickens me.
             "Lex, if he's hurting you. We can help you. I can help you." I plead.
                "NO!" She screeches out causing the other patients, Matt and the two nurses to look at us. "Zayn, he's not hurting me. He's wonderful and way better than you would've been. You stitched me up. Can I go now?!" I look into her eyes and realize I'm not going to make any headway. I nod and tell her I'll get the papers. She runs out of the building as soon as she can and I have never been so worried as I am now.
            Two days later I get the most terrifying message from Lexie. '254 Walnut Ave.Commack, NY 11725".
"Help" "911". In three different messages. "Matt, tell Ledger I have to go. I'm sorry."
              "Zayn, you can't leave your on call tonight!" He lectures me.
            I go back and step right in front of him. "Listen dude, that girl two days ago with the bruise and cut on her face just texted me this address, 911 and help. I'm going. You can't stop me". He stares at me and nods.
               I rush out of the building, get into my car  and probably break over 10 traffic laws to get there. After 15 excruciating long minutes I finally get there. I go up to the front door and I hear the most piercing scream. Luckily for me, stupid for a police officer the door is unlocked.
              Another piercing scream comes along and it's definitely Lexie. I run to where the scream is and I end up in a bedroom. What I see is the unthinkable. Jack is holding her down and restraining her and she's trying to break free but she's not strong enough.
             Clearly he heard me barge in because he looks back and scoffs and gets off Lexie. "How did you get in here?!" Before he can get another word in I knock him out and he falls to the ground. Ugh my hand is definitely going to bruise. I look over to Lexie and her entire body and her neck are filled with bruises. It's way worse than I could ever have imagined.
              "Zayn." She whimpers. "He's bleeding. We have to get him help"
             "No, we're getting you help." I see a blanket off to the side. I cover her with it. "I'm calling 911." I say grabbing my phone out.
             "Zayn, no. You would get in trouble for breaking in. Please don't."   I ignore her and call away. They would see that the door isn't broken.
              I sit down on the bed a foot away from her. "Lexie Sweetheart, the only person who is going to be in trouble is the scumbag who's lying on the floor." I look around the room and see clothes that are ripped to pieces. "He tore your clothes apart?" I growl.
              "He took a scissor and cut them off of me." She coughs. I wince thinking about what would've made him choke her.  "Zayn, I'm okay. This" she gestures to herself. "This has happened a couple of times. " I scoff and look for water and when I do I give it to her. She downs it quickly and coughs afterwards.
               "Two days ago you could've said something to me. You should've said something."
               "He is a police officer, Zayn, you know what they can get away with."
            Before I can respond a yell comes from downstairs. "Upstairs!" I respond.
              2 paramedics and 2 police officers come up. One of the paramedics comes straight to Lexie. Lexie starts explaining what happened. The police officer motions me to come outside. "What happened?"
              I tell him what happened and made sure to tell him the door was unlocked and I knocked him out to make sure he didn't do anything else. Luckily for me, he knew that the door wasn't broken in and it was for the safety of Lexie.
              The paramedics come out with Lexie on a gurney, before they go down the stairs she grabs my wrist. "Come with me. Please." I look at the paramedics and they give me a nod. I nod and tell her yes. I tell the paramedics to go to Johnson memorial.
                Once we get there, my attending, Beckett, Ledger, Brielle, Matt, and Alyssa are waiting for us. Ledger gives me a look of shock.
              "Alexandria Jones, 22, bruising all over neck and body, difficulty breathing." One of the paramedics say.
          "On my account! One. Two. Three!" All of them transfer her.
            "Zayn what happened?" Ledger asks me. I tell her quickly. She shakes her head and tells me to call Lexie's family. I nod. Luckily from her chart it shows her parents Mark and Chloe Jones.
            I try Mark first. Thank god he picks up. "Hello?"
            "Hi, is this Mark Jones?
               "Yes, this is him."
                 "Your daughter Alexandria has been in an accident. She's been admitted to Johnson Memorial Hospital."
               "Jesus Christ. Okay my family will be there soon." He hangs up quickly. I go back into the room.
Za-Zayn" my angel croaks out.
              "I'm right here. Your family will be here soon." She whimpers, I'm guessing they liked the guy who just defiled her.
               Within 10 minutes both her parents, her brother and sister come. The second her mother sees Lexie , she rushes over to her daughter.
                  "DID YOU DO THIS?!" Henry screams at me and charges at me. He pushes me against the wall.
                 "SECURITY!" Beckett shouts.
                  I push him off. Before I say anything Lexie screams out, "No, he didn't do this! Jack did! He's the one who assaulted and choked me!" She goes into a coughing fit and both her parents try to comfort her but she thrashes and won't let them touch her. It's terrible.
              Security comes and tries to get Henry out of the room but he insists he's family.
               "I want you and Alana out. Go wait in the main lobby if you so desire. The two of you got me into this mess. I don't want to see either of you."
              The two siblings look hurt but nod and they get led out of the room.
               An hour goes by and it consists of them looking her over and telling the parents of what happened and what will need to happen. But there's one thing that hasn't come up yet.       
           The 3 of us are on each side of her. Brielle and Ledger come back into the room after they left for a few minutes.
              Beckett takes a breath and exhales. "Now Alexandria there's one more part, we have to discuss with you. Would you feel comfortable enough to do the SAEK kit?"
            Lexie looks at me questioningly and I squeeze her hand. " The Sexual Assault Evidence Kit, Lex. If you want to make a case against Jack. You would have all the evidence you need." She stares at me scaredly.                    "You don't have to make a case straight away. It's so you have the evidence if you want to, in the future."
She looks at the doctors in the room then back to me and finally nods.
               Beckett smiles comfortingly at her. "Okay, mom, dad, Zayn you may leave."
              The three of us nod and start to leave. But I feel Lexie pull on my hand. "Stay? If that's okay?" She looks at the other doctors. They all nod. Mark and Chloe leave but not before they smile gratefully at me.
              "Alexandria, we need your full attention and consent for every step of the process. If you need to stop, just say so." Lexie nods. "You ready? You need to say yes so we can start."
             Lexie tightly grips my hand. "Are you with me the entire time?"
              I squeeze back. "The entire time."
              She nods and looks straight at Beckett. "Yes I'm ready."

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