Chapter 0.

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So, once upon a time. There lived a princess who lived on the Moon. It was a hard time because Toga is also known as Sesshomarou and Inuyasha's father.

He did have two women in his life that they were aware of, but honestly what if he had been with one other woman before Inuyasha was born Izyoie and Serenity were only a few months apart when he met them.

Of course, in Toga's mind, he was always setting up plans for his kids in his head, but he knew the brothers needed more than just swords to help teach them along the way.

So, he made an offer to another as well, who required a child of her own, but didn't want her kingdom to know that she didn't bear this child on her own, everyone assumed she got pregnant on her own and used some magic to make it happen, when in truth she accepted the Great dog's help for birthing Serenity into this world.

of course, Sesshomaoru was already old enough to understand and at the same age where Inuyasha came into the picture, Toga loved Izyoie regardless she was his true love, but he helped another out of duty you could call it.

But the only ones who knew Were Sesshomarou who figured it out and bantered his father into telling the truth, and Myoga, and Luna, otherwise no one else the truth.

So, years have passed, and Naraku was still out there. One day, a demon they were hunting was seeking power and learned of a piece of information about the dog summoning great warriors.

A spell that binds the spirit of the Princess of the Moon and forces her here, no matter where she is? And now history was about to unfold, and Inuyasha was about to learn the truth.

Speaking of the Princess, she has been having strange outbursts and control of energy, she too has a sword to find like the other two, it would help control her demonic blood, but she had lost her control more and more. Everyone was scared.

Luna didn't want to breathe a word about it, but she did everything in her power to help keep Serena's half-blood sealed. So, with being summoned to the past.

She is about to embark on a new journey that shows that she's about to learn about her father and her family tree.

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