Toxic Miguel O'Hara Part Two

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Warnings- short chapter, angst, cliffhanger, angsty ending, plot twist, toxic Miguel, asshole Miguel.

Summary- You come back from summer break and you cannot wait to see your boyfriend Miguel.

You tucked some hair behind your ear and taking a deep breath, you waited for the door to open.


You smile at your best friend Gaby. She lunges at you. "Oh, my god! You're back!"

"How was your summer?" she squealed as she pulled you inside.

"Good. I had so much fun in Hawaii. I didn't want to leave."

"I wouldn't either."

"How was your summer?" you ask.

"Alright, I worked all summer pretty much." she shrugs.

You slowly nodded.

"So did you see Miguel at all?" you ask her.

She shakes her head no but the truth is that she did see him... with Xina. However, your best friend doesn't want to hurt you.

Especially this way.

"Have you guys spoken?" she asks softly.

"Sort of. He's still mad that I left him all alone but he knows that my dad wanted me to go visit him." you faintly smile.

"Well as long as you had fun."

"Yeah so um did I miss anything?"

Her eyes go wide and she slowly gurgles strange noises. "N-No."

"Oh okay."

"Are you going to the BBQ later?"

"Yeah, I'm going to surprise Miguel. He thinks I'm coming tomorrow. So it'll be a sweet surprise." you smile.

Gaby looks nervous for some reason.

"Yeah... sweet surprise."

"You okay?"

"Actually y/n there's something you should know."


We sit on the edge of her bed but she can't seem to talk. "What's wrong?" you ask nervously.


"Miguel what?"

"Miguel- I uh saw him one time."

You chuckle. "Okay."

She smiles sheepishly.

"Let's get ready. I want to look pretty for him," you say and she nods.

After three hours of getting ready, you guys arrive at the BBQ party Miguel's football team is having. And you are wearing the jersey, he sent you.

"How do I look?" you say nervously. "Pretty."

"Gosh, I can't wait to see him." you squeal as you guys walk in.

Gaby taps your shoulder. "Y/N I'm so sorry."

You turn and gaped at her aimlessly. Confusion is written all over your face.


Before you even have a chance to ask her. The name of Miguel being chanted gets your attention.

You look to see the crowd cheering him on. And a smile spreads across your face and you walk over.

But little by little, your smile slowly fades when you see Xina by his side.

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