Chapter 2

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Scott's POV:

I slip back into consciousness, who knows when, but when my eyes flutter open, I am shocked. I am somehow inside a... mOviE THeAtrE??! HUH?!?! I sit up abruptly as I take in my surroundings. The room itself was pretty small, but there were a bunch of cushioned seats that were placed in front of a big white screen. I jump slightly when I suddenly hear a soft groan not too far away from me, making me realise that I am not alone. I look around abruptly, finally noticing that the rest of the pack was here, too.

Lydia's POV:

Me and the rest of the pack are standing out in front of the school, waiting for Scott to arrive. It still feels weird without Stiles with us even though it's been 3 years. We (the pack) still haven't given up on searching for him, but we are losing hope. I hope we find him so I can admit to him that I love him. I was only able to realise it after he disappeared because that's when I realised how much the sarcastic boy meant to me. Finally, I see Scott on his motorbike pulling into the parking lot. I watched him as he was about to walk over to us but then suddenly fell to the ground in a heap. Before I could react, I felt a sharp pain in my head, and I too fell.

When I wake up, I am severely puzzled. How in the hell did I get into a movie theatre. I groan softly. The pain in my head from before is still there but not as bad, thank God. I sit up slowly, and I realise that the rest of the pack is also here.
"Guys, where are we?" I said in confusion, "How did we get here?"
"I don't know Lydia, I don't know," Scott replied.
Before anyone could say anything else, a voice suddenly rang out in the room.
"Hello, everyone," the mystery voice said.
The whole pack jumped. Where did that voice come from? There was no one else in the room with us.
"Who are you, and what do you want from us?" Derek asked. (Yes, he's here, people!!)
"I want you to watch someone you love's life," the voice answered, "but before we do that, let's introduce ourselves and our supernatural status. My name is Raya, and i am a witch.
"Scott, True Alpha," Scott said.
"Liam and I'm his beta," said Liam as he pointed to Scott.
"Allison, huntress," Allison whispered. (Yes, people, Allison is ALIVE!!!)
"Hayden, Beta werewolf," said Hayden.
"Lydia, I'm a Banshee," I said.
"I'm a werecoyote, and my name is Malia," said Malia with a confident attitude.
Soon enough, everyone had introduced themselves to this Raya person who then told us to take a seat on the chairs.
"OK, everyone, you will now be reacting to Stiles Stilinski," Raya said.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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