Chapter 3

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(Nick) yo that's actually fucking insane bro ain't no motherfucking way she said where is my designer shit at Goodwill

(Dae) nah for real for real

(Boss) hey boys, are you ready to start your shift?

(Dae) actually can I talk to you for a second I have an idea that I want to tell you about

(Boss) sure what's up dae

(Dae) look I know you like to have just only us two working here but I can't keep doing these long hours and coming in early and thinking that it's OK because I'm gonna be making money when it's not and it's mentally draining both of us and we don't even see the broad of daylight anymore so we were wondering if you could hire some new staff not fire us we love working here it's just I don't know hire another bartender and another bodyguard so that we could switch off and it will probably make your life a little easier as well shit higher too. Do you have three bartenders and three bodyguards and a seven day work schedule it's probably be a lot better. I know you ain't splitting money but I don't know just do some thing I'm losing my mind.

(Boss) I was actually gonna start looking at people to hire so don't worry i was actually gonna come talk to you about it later after your shift was over but since you brought it up now I thought I'd just tell you cause I could tell you too we're getting wore out so don't worry by the end of this week. We will have two new staff members

(Dae) thank you

(They head into work and start there shifts)

(After there shifts end they close up and head to nicks house)

(At nicks)

(Nick) thanks again for coming over and helping me pack

(Dae) ofc mate that's what best friends do

(Nick) haha yea so is this what u meant by my place

(Dae) haha yeah

(Nick) so your date idea was packing stuff up and putting them in boxes that's so lame

(Dae) if this is our first date why are you moving in with me then you are taking this to six base I said third

(Nick) you have a Fairpoint

(Dae) don't play with me calling me nasty when you're the one moving in we haven't even had our first day yet remember

(Nick) if you don't love me anymore just say so

(Dae) how can I love you? We've never had our first date yet I don't even know you.

(They both bust out, laughing and falling on the floor)

(Nick) oh my fucking God what the hell are we doing?

(Dae) making each other laugh because we've been best friends for so long so we do the stupidest shit

(Nick) true true are you hungry by the way I can make us something to eat while you finish packing up the living room

(Dae) you know I'm always hungry I'm never gonna say no to food

(Nick) that is true. At least I know I'd be the one paying for our date even though you're the one who asked me because you love to order everything on the menu.

(Dae) that is not true

(Nick) daesung who the hell are you fooling?

(Dae) you

(Nick) yeah good luck with that one

(Dae) do you know one day I will be able to fool you, and you won't see it coming

(Nick) like I said, good luck with that when we've been friends for so fucking long, I know everything I know all of your little antics and tactics

(Dae) oh yeah, you think you're so great, huh?

(Nick) that's because I am great. Have you seen me I mean look at me they don't call me sexy Nick for nothing.

(Dae) if they call you that I think they need to get their eyes checked because there is nothing sexy about this

(Nick) did you just call me ugly? Did you really just call your best friend we're supposed to support each other how dare you?

(Dae) I didn't say you were ugly. I just said what you're doing is not sexy.

(Nick) so you're calling me ugly

(Dae) nooooooooo


(Dae) Nicholas

(Nick) how dare you?

(Dae) how dare I do what I didn't do anything I'm gonna sit until proven guilty at the fifth, sixth seventh and eighth

(Nick) do you know I am cooking right now, right I could ruin your food for you

(Dae) you wouldn't dare

(Nick) who wouldn't try me boy

(Dae) I'm sorry but I never called you ugly. I just said what you're doing is not sexy.

(Nick) keep playing with me

(Dae) I'm serious that I said do not twist my words motherfucker

(Nick) I will let it slide this time

(Dae) it's because you love me

(Nick) I guess so if I have no choice

(Dae) 😦 rude

(he finished packing the living room, and Nick cooks something to eat for both of them and then they sit down and eat it and then they finish packing the rest of his apartment and then dae goes home for the night)

(That's the end of chapter 3 I hope u enjoy this new story I will see u in chapter 4 of u like my stories please check out my other stories on my account)

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