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Taco POV:

It took balloon an unnecessarily long amount of time to arrive by the time he had I was absolutely freezing,sure I may live outside anyways but atleast I can go stay in my den when it's cold now Im just standing in the middle of a snow storm waiting for an annoying Mickey Mouse rip off who just so happens to be part bird now.

Leaning against the tree I spotted balloon for across the snowy waist land I mean he was pretty hard to miss, he noticed me and waved walking over to where I was stood.

"So uhm how exactly can you help me defend myslef?" He asked comeing to a stop

"Well balloon I may know nothing about your weird bird thing but I suppose I'm a good fighter so I can teach you actual fighting skills!"I said smugly,
He nodded for a moment before looking at me and narrowing his eyes

"Well what do you want out if this?" He crossed his arms giving me a questioning glare of distrust.

"I just want you give this letter to microphone for me!" I reply pulling out a small letter, he looks at it in confusion then back up at me.

"You know microphone?" He says as he takes the letter from my hand.

"Yes I suppose we were freinds, just get it to her and I'll reach you everything I know" I respond looking away trying to avoid any further questions, he shrugs  in respoonse and nods.

"I guess I can do that, that's really all you wanted me to do?" "Yes that's all" the conversation stops and we stand in silence for a moment.

"Alright chop chop let's do this I don't have all night" I clap my hands together causing him to jump slightly.he nods and follows me to the centre of the clearing.

The next few hours consisted of me attempting to teach balloon to fight though he really wasn't very good at it, I noticed the more agitated he got the white parts of his wings and eyes would flicker slightly, whenever this happened it almost seemed like it might have been hurting him?

as the night dragged he managed to be able to do some basic defence mechanisms though still it really haveing Learnt much actual combat it should work for now.

Balloon beamed slightly after successfully managing to complete the defense mechanism correctly, I sighed letting out a small smirk,as much as I'd never admit it it was an odly good feeling seeing Somone succeed in something I'd assisted in.

"Well I suppose that about wraps it up for tonight!"
I say brushing my hands off.

"Make sure to get that note to microphone! We can continue Tommorow make sure to keep the bow tie o gave to you close so I can contact you if needed" I say looking over to hallon who was trying to brush the snow out of the fur on is arms.

"Ok- I'll put it outside hee room as soon as I get back to the hotel. Also uhm- thanks for uh helping out" he replied laughing nervously.

"It's nothing, your doing something for me in exchange I'm helping you alright don't think this is the start of some freind ship" I scoff looking away, he frowns mildly disappointed but nods.

"Well uhm see you tommorow I guess" he said turning back to the path that led to hotel oj.

"Yea bye" i respond coldly.

We both part ways,balloon takeing the letter and returning to hotel piss glass whilst I go back to the small cabin I had built myself in the woods,it was small and didn't have any herring but it worked.

No ones pov:

The salmon coloured boy returned along the path through the forest eventually reaching the hotel and re entering through the back door he had left through.

Brushing off the snow particles on his legs he snuck through the kitchen and up the stairs passing by the broken window and glass but just like nickel brushing it off as yinyang or the cherries and returning to him and nickels room.  

As he arrived closing the door quietly behind him he glanced over to nickel who was sitting on his bed giving him a look.balloon immediately stopped and the two boys stared at eachother for a moment.

"Ok spill where the fuck have  you been for the past two hours?!" Nickle said clearly angry

"Well uhm- it's a Funny story- uhh how about we just go to bed I'm tierd" balloon laughed awkwardly trying to change the subject.

Nickel glared at him "No tell me where you were!" He spat getting up from the bed he was sat on.

"I was- making some food-" balloon lied looking at nickel anxiously.

"For two hours?" The smaller boy said raising an eyebrow.

Balloon turned away from nickel waking over to his bed "Yep! You know growing wings really takes a lot out of a person I was super hungry"

Nickel didn't believe this but saw no use in prying any further,turning back to his bed he clambered back under the covers laying his shiny metal body resting on the soft pillow.Balloon also climbed up into his bed,it was more difficult for him to get comfy regarding his giant wings but eventually he found a position that worked.

The pair of them laid  In an awkward silence until balloons eyes went  heavy as he began to fall into unconsciousness, not long after nickel drifted off aswell.

The rest of that night was calm and quiet throughout the hotel not the creak of a floor board or the slam of a door shutting could be heard as all slept peicefully.
Even taco in her cabin within the dark woods slept slightly more comfortably than usual the blizzard had slowed and the night sky was clear and empty.

Even taco in her cabin within the dark woods slept slightly more comfortably than usual the blizzard had slowed and the night sky was clear and empty

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Did I do two short uneventful chapters in a row... mabye!

Do I have any shame no,no I do not my brain juices aren't working enough for me to actually get into the important stuff without it being sloppily written so have another short chapter that's only here for build up.

Jokes aside tanks for al the reads on this story I'm so thankful for all of you and take for being so patient with chapter releases I hope you continue to read my story and I hope you enjoy future chapters!

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