Chapter 3 - Potential Solutions

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Eva and Sarah got on the bus to go home that day, and sat down at the back, next to each other.

"I can't believe we're actually considering wearing diapers," Eva whispered, her voice filled with embarrassment.

Sarah nodded. "I know it sounds weird, but what other choice do we have? We can't keep wetting the bed and being late for school. This should most definitely help."

Eva sighed and looked around to make sure no one was listening. "I just hope nobody finds out. The thought of being teased or bullied even more because of this... it terrifies me, I don't think I could take it."

Sarah reached out and squeezed Eva's hand in reassurance. "We'll keep it our secret. Nobody needs to know. And besides, Mrs. O'Reilly said that some other students wear them too. Maybe we're not as alone in this as we think."

Eva managed a small smile. "Ye, I guess that's true. We just have to give it a try and see if it helps. And if it does, maybe we can finally get a good night's sleep, without needing to worry about sheets.

They didn't mention the diapers again for the rest of the ride, but the knowledge of their presence lingered in the back of their minds.

Sarah and Eva entered the house, anticipation in the air.

Sarah turned to her sister and asked, "Spaghetti tonight?"

Eva nodded gratefully. "Warm and comforting, just what we need."

"Ok, you can go to your room until it's ready. I'll call you down when it is. Go enjoy your time by yourself or something."

Eva said she preferred spending time with her dear sister and sat down to watch Sarah cook.

"You should probably go turn the washing machine on, it still has our sheets in there from this morning, lol," Sarah said.

Eva hit her forehead in both forgetfulness and exasperation. But walked out to the laundry room to do the wash.


After the sheets had come out of the washing machine, Eva took them up to the rooms. She walked into her room and put the pile on the floor next to her bed.

She sighed as she picked up the cover for her bed, and put it over her mattress. She sighed as she put the pillow case on her pillow and she sighed again, while she put the sheet on the blanket.

She stared at her bed for a couple of minutes, absorbed in the grandiosity of the situation, and then walked downstairs to the kitchen where Sarah was hard at work.

As Sarah cooked, Eva sat and watched with admiration. "Your sauce always turns out delicious." Sarah smiled and replied "I'm glad you like it."

After a while, the pasta was ready, and Sarah spooned it out from the pot onto 2 separate plates, put them on a tray, and brought it to the table. Eva brought the cups, the juice, and the cutlery, and they both sat down to eat.

As they ate, that night's worry disappeared from their mind, and they simply enjoyed each other's company.

After they had both eaten their fill, both of them put their dinnerware in the sink, and Eva said out loud that it was her turn to do the dishes.

"Ok, so while you're doing that, I'll go run the bath for both of us, shall I?" Sarah asked. Eva nodded affirmatively and started washing the plates.

After a couple of minutes, Eva finished the dishes and headed upstairs to the bathroom. The sound of running water greeted her as she entered, finding Sarah already enjoying a bath.

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