2. Say You Like Me

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Chris P.O.V

It's been a couple of days. I've grew closer to Jacky, Lisa also. I'm gonna surprise him and maybe go to the orphange and hang out. Lisa is like a little sister, but Jacky is like a best friend. I want to be more than that, he may not understand what this all means but I really like him. "Where you off to today then?" Mom smiled sipping her morning tea. "I'm gonna go and visit Jacky for a bit, i'll be home later," I smiled kissing her cheek.

"Whos this Jacky you've been speaking of so much about lately," she smirked. Oh it's aways awkward when you're own mom asks about your crushes. "He's just a friend, thats all." I dropped the topic not wanting to be futher embarrassed. "Friend.. Yeah whatever, son." She waved me off as I stepped out of the house and up the sidewalk. I just need to get closer to Jacky, and then we can maybe start a relationship. Ugh love is so confusing.

"Hey sexy," Elliot called through the phone.
"Hey baby, whats up?" I replied.
"You wanna hang over at mine beautiful?".
"I'm gonna hang with Jacky today, sorry honey." I laughed.

He embarrassed me before hanging up with a moan. I laughed to myself as I made my journey to Jackys house. Just breathe Chris, you can do this. I knocked the door softly, hoping it was loud enough for them to answer. I was a nervous wreck as the door swung open. "How may I help you?" An older lady with the name tag of Jane smiled. "I'm here to see Jacky?" I bit my lip nervously as she smiled warmly towards me. I wanted to back out, but I need to see him.

"Your Chris?" She held her hand out as I shook it. "Yeah..," how did she know? "Jacky talks about you allot. It got to the piont of us thinking it was an imaginary friend, haha." She welcomed me in with a friendly gesture. "Is he in?" I followed her over to the bottom of the stairs where she called for him. We heard a bang, followed by running footsteps. "Hi Jane," Jacky came running down the stairs wondering what he was needed for. He then noticed me and his eyes lit up again. So cute.

"Chris," he squealed hugging my waist tightly. "Hey dude," I chuckled hugging him back just as tight. "I've come to hang out, I'm bored." He looked up and smiled warmly. Butterflies started partying inside of me again, oh dear. I noticed he had puffy eyes like he had been crying for a long time. My heart just sank, no one upsets Jacky without me finding out. "Who made you cry?" My hands cupped his cheeks as I inspected his face, checking him out at the same time as I had the chance.

"It's nothing, I was just being silly." He forced a chuckle but frowned, leaning forward to hug my waist. "You're not silly. What happened? You can tell me," I stroked his back as he picked up his words. "I had a nightmare, just silly dreams." He replied. "Thats not silly, we all get scary dreams sometimes. What happened in the dream?" I followed behind him as we made ourway up the stairs towards his room. I scanned across the wood of the door, it was covered in band posters.

Bring Me The Horizon, Bullet For My Valentine, Evanescence and SlipKnot. At least the kid has pure taste, for good music that is. Fuck yeah. "A ghost tried to hurt me." He mumbled before pushing his door open, a woft of candy surrounded my scent. It smelt like a candy factory in here. "Everyone is scared of ghosts, but trust me when I say they wont ever hurt you." I took a seat on the end of his bed.

"Teddy keeps me safe." He giggled making me smile. "Here, take this. This will keep you safe too," I slipped off my batman wrist band he likes and handed it to him. His eyes lit up like christmas and he smiled wide as he slipped it onto his wrist. "Thank you so much Chris." His walls were painted white but were covered inch to inch with posters. There were a few amps stacked in the corner, with signed frames hanging above. Letting my inner fangirl slip out, I went over to check them out.

This dude had Joey Jordison sticks, a signed shirt by Oli Sykes, guitar picks from Matt Tuck and many more held in his drawers. A few different makes of Guitars were held up around the room, followed by a small piano by his bed. "You have many Guitars but don't play?" I picked up a nice looking fender before placing my backside down on his bed. I ran my fingers over the neck, Guitar boner right now.

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