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The three creations

My name is Brooke. I am a sixteen year old girl who is currently living in Sydney, Australia.

When I say I'm sixteen, I mean that I am forever trapped inside my sixteen year old self's body.

I am actually one hundred and sixty nine years old.


I have a plain appearance, long strait dyed red hair, green eyes, and tanned skin from the sun.

I guess you could say I'm quite sporty, as I play hockey for the school team, I swim every morning, run every night and surf when I have any free time,

I am not a big animal lover and prefer to stay as far away from bugs and spiders as I can.

In my sixteen or so years of life, I have lived in ninety three houses.


On the plus side I pass every exam with a-star, because I have memorised every single question.

In every single exam.


I think some people think I'm a bit sarcastic.

I utterly have no idea why.

My favourite film is probably Harry Potter.

And book.

Right now I am sat in the tree house that me and my dad and dad built ages and ages and ages ago.


I have decorated it many times over the years but right now it is a dark purple colour and it has gold stars printed onto it.

I think it's lovely but most people think its depressing.

Harry potter and the chamber of secrets is blasting out of the big screen that is plastered to the wall.

I am stuffing my face with popcorn, ice cream and pink milk.

My three favourite foods.

The old bean bags that are lined up against the wall are all currently acting as a bed as I am falling asleep in the sweltering Australian heat.

Ice cream melting on me and all.


And one other thing.

I am the last of my kind.

My kind.

I don't exactly know what my kind is.

All I know is that I can do things other people can't.

I can control water, I don't mean I can put my hand in a bucket and it swirls around, or I slide around in the bath and cause a mini tsunami.

I mean that I can make it rain by thinking about it.

Or um one time I lifted all the water out of my swimming pool without touching it.

That's the kind of things I do in my spare time.

Actually now i come to think of it, it's quite fun.



Hi everyone I hope you like this book it's kinda different from all my other books so yea.

Um this was an intro chapter so that's why it was so short and there will be two others for the other two main characters.

I hope you liked it

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