Chapter Six

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Atwood, Colorado Monday, July 1st

"He knows Hannah and I haven't talked in two years..." I said, looking at her. I could fee the concern on my face. But she just looked confused.

"Well that's okay, I only did that to get you here?" She told me confusion written all over her face.

"I know, but you should have seen his face when I said that to him. He knows you did it for a reason, that for whatever reason you wanted me here. I don't know if he knows the exact reason you wanted me here but you need to be careful. I can bet he's going to corner you at the funeral, if he doesn't see you before then. We need to come up with a story that he will believe" I explained to her. She finally had the same reaction on her face that I did.

"Oh shit, how did I not get that?" She questions to herself.

"It's okay, but we have to think of something" I said trying to think of something.

"I mean I could just tell him that Hannah was always talking about you and that I  knew it would have meant the world to her that you were there?" She said questioningly.

"That's good, maybe just say you didn't want to lie but you knew she would have loved me here, and you yourself had no idea who to get ahold of me and you were hoping he would be able to and that you're sure he would have done it anyway but just incase it slipped his mind with everything going on" I said furrowing my eye brows. I wanted to make sure this was perfect and that there wasn't anyway Mark could figure out what the real reason was. 

"Okay so, Mr. Wellington I'm so sorry I lied, I didn't want to. But I know it would have made Hannah very happy to have Zack here and I didn't know how to get ahold of him. I figured with you being the sheriff you could figure it out and get him here. I mean. I'm sure you would have invited him anyway but I wanted to make sure it didn't slip your mind with everything going on. I'm sorry Mr. Wellington, I was just trying to give Hannah her biggest wish in seeing Zack again" She said. She turned to look at me.

"That's perfect" I exclaimed. It's not so exclaim to think you would do that so it's believable and you pull on the heart strings a little, making him feel guilty" I said, giving a little half smile. 

"But now what do we really think happened to Hannah, because I've got some theory's?" I ask her.

"Me too, but my biggest one is that Mark killed her" Lily said looking at me to see my reaction.

"Really?" I ask.

"I mean that was defiantly my second theory but I was think he led her to take her own life. She couldn't take the abuse anymore" I said adding on.

"No, I know Hannah. She was so excited to get away from her dad. She knew I was here for her, and like I told you, she told me you got her through the pain. I don't think something could have changed in the last two weeks before she died that would have changed her mind on that. He raped her and she was still willing to keep going" She said, animating with her hands. I could tell she was defiantly passionate about this idea and it did make a lot of sense.

"Okay, that does make sense and you did know her better than probably anyone so we'll take that rout. Now we need to come up with a plan of how we will catch him" I said. I was ready to avenge Hannah and make sure that asshole got put behind bars.

"Not yet" She said.

"What? What do you mean? When then?" I ask confused.

"We need to wait until the funeral. We can't risk Mark finding out about this until then. I can't have him change his mind about the funeral. It was already so hard to convince him in the first place" She said, furrowing her eyebrows in concentration.

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