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Prologue - Amy's POV

"Amy, darling, get reading for school," my mother called. I groaned as I lifted the comforter off of me. I was not looking forward to Junior Year. I got ready quickly and headed down for the table. I have an older brother who was in college this year, so breakfast was different without us flinging food at each other. 

"Mom, these eggs are great," I mumbled between bites.

"Thank you," she beamed. 

I smirked up at her and got my backpack. School was never a huge priority to me since my mom was a single mom and I worked every night at a diner, but this year the big Junior Project was coming up. I usually got A's without having to work very hard which helped when I worked. Some people call me lucky because I never study for tests and ace them. I consider myself unlucky because when I'm in college and I'm going to have to work, I'm never going to be able to find motivation because I didn't build the studying habit when I was younger. 

I've sixteen this year, which means I can finally drive myself to school. Because I'm on the Student Council, Yearbook, student helper to the Dean and I'm a good student, I got parking spot three. One and two belong to the valedictorian and saluditorian. I sighed and got out.

"All Juniors report to the cafeteria promptly," the principal said over the intercom. Junior Projects here I come. 

Junior Projects take a whole year to do, which is why we start the first day. It consists of three parts and boys and girls pair up. Rockledge High always makes sure there are equal boys and girls for this year.

The first part is when we pretend to graduate and find a house. We use a house for sale in the city, or the city neighboring us, and we "buy it". The boy and the girl do this alone. We pay monthy bills and budget our income with a job of our choice, for undergrad college students of course.

The second part usually starts around Thanksgiving. We have to get married to the boy and "move in" with him. The school gives us fake rings and we have to wear them. The girls and boys work together to put the house back on the "market". Now, the girls learn to do housework, etc. We're taught to cook, clean, and anything else deemed necessary to be a mother. If the pair doesn't get along in real life it symbolizes a rocky relatioship and if you do it shows how you work together in a relationship.

The third part which happens around Easter, we have a kid. We don't wait nine months because we don't have time. We have to document when the child cries, what we "feed" him or her, how much we spend on pretend diapers, etc. It's a long and hard process. Teachers usually don't give out hard assignments during this year. 

"Okay, Juniors. It's the time when we bring forth our Life Learning Junior Projects! You all have heard of this projects and it's designed to help you learn for whe you have work, or college, and put you through basic situations of life. This is worth the midterms and finals for this year. Do not slack. . ." Principal Roy continued on explaining until he was calling partners. 

"Angela Reid with Marcus Teetz. Samantha Shaw with Derek Hamiltion," Principal Roy continued until I heard my name.

"Amy Reese with Prescott Hill."

I heard Prescott and his group giggle behind me. Prescott always had this bad boy attitude and never did his work. I'm surprised he's still at this school. I was hoping to be picked with Derek Hamilton, my boyfriend, but my friend Sam got him. I sighed as Principal Roy dismissed us. I walked to my classes and the only thing I could think about all day was Prescott and how screwed I was this year.

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