The haunted house

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You feel courage racing through your body you want to tease him once again just like he had been doing since we got here. You put his arm around your shoulder like it was before, he smiles nervously. You begin playing with his hair, he look shocked. "That feels good Yn" you don't respond you just smile. Y'all continue walking through the house everything seems normal you look up at Johnnie. His lips are so close to yours everything in you is fighting just kissing him. You both stare at each other I wonder what he's thinking.. *BOOOM* you both jump
Yn: "oh so you are scared" you say teasing him
J: "Yn you jumped to" he giggled
You play around with his fingers and trace his hand tattoos while he is just staring at you, admiring you. You don't even notice he looking at you until you finally look up from his hand
Yn: oh sorry
J: you can keep going you look cute
You try your hardest not to blush
Yn: "oh really?" You say in a flirtatious way
Johnnie nods his head
Yn: "I like your tattoos especially this one" you lift his shirt and point to his joker tattoo on his stomach
J: oh really you do?
You nod
He starts playing with your hair
You just look at him in a loving way you couldn't help it.  Johnnie looked back at you intensely, you felt like you wanted to jump out of your body but you have to play it cool.
Yn: what time is it?
J: oh uh * checks phone* 6:10
Yn: oh my god I'm late for Tara I have to get my phone
You left it in the car.
You walk out of the house and went to you phone
* 3 missed calls from Tara 5 messages from tara* "shit"
Johnnie follow you out. "Is everything okay" he says like he really cares. "I'm late for plans with Tara remember?"
J: oh I'm sorry
Yn: no it's not your fault
You try calling Tara staring at Johnnie waiting for her to pick up finally she does.
T: girl where are you I went by your apartment nobody's answering the door
Yn: I'm sorry I went to the haunted place with Johnnie and lost track of time
Tara seem frustrated
T: come on Yn your La- wait you said Johnnie
Yn: yes..
T: ooo girl did he confess his love to you?
(Tara knows about your crush) you walk a little bit away for Johnnie so he can't hear
Yn: I mean he has been flirting and staring at me a lot but nothing big
Tara: y'all would be the cutest couple ever.. expect for me and Jake of course
The last part she said in a cute yet annoying voice you giggle.
Yn: I want to tell him and I do think he might like me but I'm scared I'm wrong
T: I see the way he looks at you. He likes you 100 percent and if I'm wrong I will take you on a shopping spree
You laugh
Yn: okay well where are you? Do we still have our plans?
Tara: uhmmm about that Jake took me to this fancy restaurant so no more plans sorry maybe tomorrow
You giggle
Un: okay have fun love you Tara
Tara: love you mo-
Tara hangs up and you walk back over there with Johnnie
J: everything okay?
Yn: yes she ended up going on a date with Jake instead so now I have no plans today
J: do you wanna go back home
Yn: "yes I'm all done with the ghost in there. I don't think we vibed well" you say jokingly
Johnnie laughs and then opens your door
Yn: "what a gentlemen" you smile
J: anything for you
You blush thankfully he didn't see because he began walking to his side of the car.
Y'all go back home. Johnnie opens the front door for you.
Yn: "thank you " you smile
Johnnie smiles back
Yn: do you wanna watch a movie?
J: sure what do you wanna watch
Yn: you pick I'm up for anything
Johnnie picks a movie and you both sit down and you begin playing with his hair again
J: why do you always tease me
Yn: hm?
J: you know I like my hair being played with and now you do it..
Yn: maybe I want you to feel good..
Our eyes lock and we stare at each other
Yn: maybe I should just go to my room
Johnnie grabs your wrist
J: "please don't " he says softly
You just admire him
J:" don't leave" he whispers

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