The cool senior

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Author's pov
It's monday morning and kinjal is chatting with her friends.

Kinjal's pov

Damn it's so boring in school todayy! I would rather be home *head downs*

Chavi- kinjal listen!
Chavi- Let's play truth and daree okayy?
Uhmm finee
Pragya- let's start with chavi! Truth or dare?
Chavi- truth
Do you like someone chavi?
Chavi- yeah you know that guy from 10th C? We are kind of flirting nowdays..
No,no,no it can't be him
Uhm who are you talking about chavi?
Chavi- oh yeah I forgot to tell you about him pragya knows him too!
Ofcourse she knows
Pragya- Aree, she's talking about shubham, Shubham yadav, from tenth C.
Thank god!
Chavi- now kinjall, yourr chance! Truth or dare?
Umm truthh.
Pragya- who's your crush! And yeah don't lie kinjal we know you probably like someone
Chavi- maybeeee someone who's tall
Pragya- someone who wears specs
Oh god..
What are you both even talking about lol, let's go ahead with the game i don't have any crush okayy

Chavi- ohh, then why do you always secretly look at him hmm?
Ughh what should I say now
He just- seems cool, yeah he is cool!
Pragya- cool hmm? Yeah we get it

Why am I feeling like my cheeks are red! God do I actually have a crush on him? No kinjal calm down, you just like-- HIS PERSONALITY yeahh personality!

At lunch-

Where's shubhanjali? I guess she is still in her class, I'll just wait.
Pragya- kinjal look, there he comes
I look behind me and there he was, the cool senior of mine,
I told you pragya I don't like him!

Pragya- it's so obvious kinjal *winks*
Never mind I might have a crush on him, just a little bit tho.
Chavi- you know what kinjal, you should try talking to him, you both would look good together
Sheesh! Why am I blusing again!
yeah I'll think about it, byee!

They had a point tho, I should try talking to him like casually? Okay a bit friendly, but how? Uhmm yeahh instagram! But how will I get his id ughh, don't give up kinjal you can do it! Now let's get in the dms of devansh sharma heheh.

Author's pov

It was almost the last period now and kinjal was walking through the hallway, devansh's classroom was right in front of kinjal's.

Just as devansh got out from his class and was turning through the corridor he bumped into something or someone...

Devansh's pov

The teaching of our teachers is so fucking mid I gotta learn it all ag- ugh, careful! I looked at the girl in front of me, damn she's preety cute.
Kinjal- blabbering I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking-
It's finee,
I said as I walked away.

Kinjal's pov
Stupid! Stupid kinjal!!
Where was I even looking, he might think something elsee ahhh why always mee God!


Hushh, that's it for the first chapter!
Hope you all liked the starting, I will update as soon as possible guys!
And yeah please votee guyss!

~ Kj <3.

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