Pray For Him.

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Context-  Colby's life is threatened through the estes.
Warnings-Blood, Vomit, Fainting, Seizures. *I AM NOT A MEDICAL EXPERT. IF ANY OF THESE WARNINGS DO TRIGGER YOU DO NOT READ.* (Sam and Colby are not dating in this.)

"Pray for him"

"What the fuck." Sam says, his hands start to tremble slightly, the sentence sending a shock through his body. His eyes drop down to look at Colby, who's eyes were covered with ping pong balls, he would laugh, but something was wrong. Really wrong. Sam placed the camera down and... just stood there. "Hey Sam? Are you okay dude? Do you need to step outside real quick?" Dakota asked, his voice wavering slightly, showing he was very concerned for Sam. Sam shook his head, "do you guys, also feel weird?" Tanner asked.

"Pray for him"

Sam turned his head to look at Colby, he looked back at his friends and than looked back at Colby. Comparing to his friends and Colby, Colby looked pale and flushed. "Okay maybe we should get him out of the trance, he's not looking good." Sam said, he looked back at his friends, who nodded. "Colby, hey! Dude!" Sam yelled, shaking Colby by his arm. Colby, slightly disoriented, sluggishly took of the headphones and ping pong balls. He looked around slightly, his eyes wandering over to Sam. Sam smiled seeing Colby's face, but he soon frowned when he saw Colby zone out.

"Is he okay?" Tanner asked, gesturing to Colby disorienting. Sam nodded, "yea, he usually does this after going through the Estes for a long time. He should be fine, this happens quite often, especially since he was in more challenging trance this time. Just give him some time to come back, he'll be fine." Tanner, still quite concerned, nodded slightly. Alex grabbed the camera, soon realizing it was still on. He turned it off and just stood with Dakota and Tanner. After around 5 minutes, Colby seemed to come back from his "Lala land" state and claim he had a headache. His mouth had a sharp metallic taste, and he could see black spots dancing in front of his eyes.

Sam, noticing Colby was "back" snapped his fingers in-front of him. "Hey Colbs, you okay?" Just as Colby was about to nod, he seemed to black out and fall, Sam barely managing to catch him, muttered out a quick "fuck" before gently lowering him to the ground. What he wasn't expecting though was for Colby to start, literally, seize. He stared in shock, watching as Colby choked on his own saliva and blood, from biting his tongue. Luckily, it seemed as Dakota dealt with a seizure before, he snapped Sam out of his shocked trance before helping Colby to his side. Sam took his hoodie off and folded it, he placed it under Colby's head while Tanner pulled out a timer. Alex soon took out his phone to call an ambulance.

"Shit, C'mon Colby..." Sam and Dakota muttered under their breath, they watched as the timer hit four minutes. "It's not supposed to go over five, right?" Sam said, his eyes pooling with tears. "Yes, Sam, t-that's right." Dakota said, rubbing Sam's shoulder. Sam silently cried as his best friends body convulsed. Soon the timer hit five minutes and the ambulance was on their way. After around six minutes, Colby's body slowly stopped seizing. His body soon fell limp, just as soon he went limp they all heard the siren of the ambulance.

Colby started to wake up a bit and he violently threw up on the hard concrete right next to him. Sam winced, but softly rubbed his shoulder and comforted him. Once he stopped vomiting, the medics rushed in, they placed Colby on a gurney and advised Sam to follow them, Sam with no hesitation agreed. But first he gave his keys to Dakota and trusted him to drive themselves to the hospital. Dakota rushed outside, with Alex and Tanner right behind him and they sped off to the hospital.

"Doctors never found out why Colby had a seizure, they said he was perfectly healthy, and was expected to never have a seizure ever again."

"Sam, please make sure we never visit that place again, this hospital reminds me of the time I had cancer."

"For sure dude, wouldn't even dream of going back there, ever. And also dude, stop giving me heart attacks every day, please."

I'm so sorry guys I've been absent recently on Wattpad, but I've been dealing with studies, and family issues that I haven't had the time. I hope you enjoy this one-shot!


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