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Asiza woke up from her slumber with a pounding headache. Slowly rising from her spot she felt herself struggle before opening her eyes to see vines and roots had overgrown on her.


"Seems the power of this crown recognizes you as it's new bearer," went Alma as she handed the bowl of stew. "I see..." Asiza said solemnly as she started down at the bowl in her hands. Looking back at the doe behind her having a good look at her. Her once white pure fur now seem to stain with old blood whether it was hers or from the time the village was demolished. It didn't matter, Ethel looked so much smaller, and her usual ethereal-like aura was gone now. Replaced with something so dull and sad, "did he do this?"

"Sadly yes," went Alma as she sat right across from her, "although, at least he had to common courtesy to patch her up before taking her."

Asiza only let out a huff as she stared at the stew in her hold, seeing the familiar pieces of cauliflower, pumpkin, and beetroot. The scent was a nostalgic, feeling as if she was back in her village with both her parents by her side. Though that reality is no more, now she sits by the bed side of her friend, her mentor, and a missing pig-- "WAIT! Armani! Where is Armani?" she jolted up, causing the poor elder to flinch.

"Who pray-tell is this Armani, dear?"

"Armani is a friend of mine, he is from the Silk Cradle, me and him live together for a time before I was taken. Please tell me the Lamb has not attacked him--"

"Easy child," Alma began, "I understand your concern, however, the Lamb came only with you, no other has seen the member of Shamura Coven. If anything the doorway is sealed to the Lamb." 

Asiza released a sigh as she fell to her kneels, the stew abandoned as she felt the weight lift from her shoulders. "Thank God..." she whispered rubbing her paw over her face. "I was worried he had killed him... He already taken so much from me, I don't want to lose Armani too."

"Peculiar name..." went Alma, "I never heard that name before, seem the people of the Silk Cradle are known for warrior base names."

"Oh, when I found him, he wasn't named that, but he didn't like the name he was labeled so I named," said Asiza. She got to her feet, casting her eyes to the Elder who held a bewildered look.

"You named him?" she asked.

"Yeah... Why, is it bad to name someone?" she joked as Alma let out an exhausted sigh. "No dear... It's just... It takes a lot of power to name someone, as names give power. Which is why it's common for the Bishops to name their followers, they give a portion of their power in the name as claiming over the follower."


"You're pulling my leg..."

"Afraid not child, it was common for the bishops and cult leaders to name their followers. Though rarely we are given the chance to name our own children, but as you know they are considerably rare." Asiza winced at that memory, recalling how much many had bid union between them only to know that no many times they try to conceive, one must get a blessing from their Lord to all such a life.
"Anyway, Armani by our standards belongs to you, as you are now a crown bearer," said Alma.

Asiza tried to refute this-- "Hello?" both females turned to see a follower, a cat follower of sorts. "Hello, sorry to disturb you, however our leader had sent an order to retrieve you, Lady Asiza."


"She'll be there shortly, I'll be sure of it dearie," smiled Alma. The cat follower smiled sweetly, ignorance obvious in her eyes as she walked off to let the Lamb know. "Alma, why do you just accept this? I mean you, a pure follower of Leshy just--"

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