Ch. XXV ✡Realization✡

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🎶"IT'S MEEEEEEEE! YES IT'S MEEEEEEEE! I know you were all waiting for meeeeeee!"🎶

The strong scent of old cigarettes and liquor mixed with an overpowering perfume fills your nose, and you can't help but gag before a loud groan escapes your lips, dread filling the pit in your stomach as you allow your head to flop on the bar counter you sit at.

And just when you thought you would have a nice, relaxing break with not too terrible interruptions.
That's now thrown out the window due to the mere presence of...her.

This demoness has been visiting the Hazbin Hotel for a week straight now, and the reason why? You can't put your finger on it, though whatever it may be, instinct tells you it's not good.

All you've seen her do is walk around and dote on herself, swaying her hips in an exaggerated side to side motion, while she bats her little eyelashes whenever Alastor walks into the room.

A soft growl escapes your lips. Alastor...oh how he loves her, always complimenting her, reminiscing times when the two of them were at clubs dancing the night away.
From the way he looks at her--and she looks at him--it's almost as if these two were once sweethearts back in the days when they were mortals.

A wave of sickness comes over you. You can't possibly imagine someone like ALASTOR with his standards and taste to have ever been interested in...that. matter, you exhale a breath to settle your nerves. It is none of my business, nor should I waste my much-needed energy on such a topic.

Angel sits next you, his back against the counter while his top two arms are thrown lazily across it. Without you knowing, he's been watching the twitches and clenches from you whenever Mimzy comes into view.

And...he also can't help but notice how intensely your eyes are staring at Alastor as he makes conversation with the stubby pale demoness.

A smirk tugs at the corner of Angel's lips. He's been getting an inkling that you're experiencing feelings for the Radio Demon.

When it comes to Angel, he's able to see right through it. After all, he's the professional here.
...and he may have had been a witness...using a pair of binoculars...sitting at his window...staring at you and Alastor on top the clock tower going over a week ago.

Don't ask, don't tell.

"Ahhh, I see it now," Angel remarks teasingly as his right hand raises the bourbon shot glass to his lips for a final drink, before he says in a sing song way. "Jealousy."

You glare at him dangerously. "I suggest you silence yourself," you hiss darkly, not in the mood to be told a truth you're trying to cover up. You don't particularly want to admit that...he's right.

You are slightly jealous--though you shouldn't be--but mostly aggravated. You can sense the laced saccharine in her smile and tones, her words delivered in a high-pitched theatrical voice, the sway of her hips and movements of her too exposed breasts.

It all screams desperation. It's not rocket science to figure out she uses her words and body to get what she wants from people.

And what's worst, is all the while...Alastor cannot see that what you do--or maybe he does, and doesn't care,
Still've never seen more of a genuine smile on his face then whenever he looks at her.
Another growl comes from haven't received a smile like that, and just when you thought you would.

"I'd love to stay and chit-chat darling, but I'm afraid that I have other matters to attend, but!" Alastor goes behind Mimzy and gently nudges her towards the direction of the bar where you, Husker, and Angel are.
"Why don't you go and help yourself to a nice drink, alright dear? I won't be long at all."

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now