Chapter 3: When You Wish Upon a Star

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I can't fucking sleep.

It's too hot, even in just my boxers. My mouth is dry. The room is spinning.

This is why I don't usually have more than one drink at a time. At least not recently.

When I was in college, I went out to the bars every Thursday through Saturday. Sometimes more often. But law school was more demanding, and I was in a different town, and fell in with a less-party-focussed crowd.

Or maybe I just got more mature.

Or my metabolism changed.

Maybe it was starting testosterone. That could affect liver function.

Either way, or whatever the reason, it's definitely the bourbon keeping me awake.

After tossing and turning for too long, I push myself up and swing my legs off the edge of the bed.

In the kitchen, I turn down the dimmer, flip on the lights, and find myself a tall plastic cup that I fill with water from the faucet.

It tastes minerally, but I don't care. I guzzle down one full cup and then refill it.

As I stand in front of the sink, the sky twinkles down at me.

I haven't seen such a clear night in a long time. And there are so many stars that it's even impressive through the screen on the window.

With the cup of water in my hand, I walk over to the side door and open it.


Entranced, I step out.

It's cooler outside than in the cabin, but it's still warm. Comfortable. And calm. Not even a slight breeze tickles at my bare legs and chest.

The wood of the deck is rough on my feet as I walk across to the waiting jacuzzi.

Why shouldn't I keep to my original plan?

I take off the jacuzzi's cover and test the water with the tips of my fingers.


There are buttons on the edge to control the temperature and turn the jets on and off, but I don't mess with any of them. I place my cup of water on the jacuzzi's ledge, and, still in just my boxers, slip into the water.

I lean back and rest my head so I can look up at the stars. The endless swirling is unimpeded in the moonless sky, and for a moment I feel hypnotized by its vastness.

As I stare up, I notice several moving objects. Distant satellites orbiting the earth. A reminder of our need for constant connection and instant communication.

My still tipsy mind is trying to decide if I'm amazed by technology or disgusted by it when a door opens and closes behind me.

I don't need to turn my head to know it's Aria.

"Can't sleep, either?" I ask.

She takes a few soft steps forward. When I can sense her next to me, I swivel my face towards her. Bathed in shadow, she could be anyone. And oddly–because of the darkness or the alcohol in my blood–I don't feel any self-consciousness about being practically naked in front of one of the most famous and beautiful women in the world.

"What are you drinking?" she asks, picking up my glass and smelling it.

"Just water," I say with a chortle. I guess she was expecting me to keep going with the brown stuff.

"Aren't you the party animal?" She takes a sip, puts the cup back down, and then steps out of her pajama pants. Wearing only a tank top and underwear, she turns on the jacuzzi jets, and then joins me.

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