Chapter 17

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Hello friends, it's been a while since we've seen each other, a month or so, anyway the new part of the story is out, I hope you like it!!

As Earth Eleven left the planet Latonique, everyone gathered in the main room
"So these are the 4 stones of the fragments of hope, they look cute"-Shinsuke
"What can these stones do?" - Hakuryuu

"Katora told me that with them you can save the galaxy, but I still don't know all the details" - Tenma"Okay, now we should see what these stones can do"-Shizune

He put them in a scanner, and in a few seconds the results came

"I knew", everyone turned their heads towards Minori
"Do you know what I am?" - Taiyou

Minori nodded ,, The Sunstone from the planet Sandorias, the Ocean Crystal from the planet Sazanaarah, the Scarlet Firestone from the planet Gardon and the Fluorescent Stone from the planet Latonique. These stones are the raw material needed to create the legendary mythril, known as the Mythril Stone"

"Mythil Stone?"-Tenma
"When I was a scientist on the planet Kieru, I couldn't find these stones no matter how hard I tried... I can't believe they're here now" said Minori, who had started to change his shape until instead of a girl he was a man tall adult

"What happened?" - Shuu
"This is... this is my initial body" - Potomuri
"But what happened to Mizukawa?"-Fei

"I think that my spirit sparked a transformation in her. The exaltation of my state of mind after finding this Mythril Stone has strengthened the bond between the two of us and this allows my appearance to become visible to you above her body"

"Did anyone understand?" - Minaho
"In other words, now we can see the normal you" - Matatagi

"These stones contain a necessary chemical element that will produce mythril"
"Are you saying that with these stones you can create mythril?" asked Tenma

,,Yes.  As I said before with this mythril I can create the Cosmic Plasma Photon Beam to block black holes"

"Wait, wait, as far as I know, a black hole is impossible to stop, how will these stones manage to block a black hole"-Meia

"If you managed to build weapons from your power because you wanted to rule the world at some point, I don't see the problem of not being able to make the Cosmic Plasma Photon Beam to save a planet from a black hole, besides that, it's a technology that researchers on Kieru dreamed of as a way to save the galaxy, we were so close to finding it, but we couldn't find the derivative materials to produce mythirl"

,,So the reason why Katora made us collect them was because..."-Tenma

"Princess Katora must want to build the Cosmic Plasma Photon Beam"
"But couldn't you build that thing with things we have here?"-Shizune

"Well..." but he didn't get to finish when a shot was heard from behind, Potomuri quickly changed back into Minori and when he entered they saw Tsurugi holding a gun in his hand

"What are you doing Tsurugi with that weapon?"-Tenma

Taiyou tried to come close to him but Tsurugi(fake) pulled down as a warning sign
 "Don't move"

"Tsurugi, you are..."-Shindou

"Give me the briefcase" but Minori didn't move an inch, "If you don't give it to me, I'll shoot", but Minori didn't move either
Tsurugi(fake) went right behind her

"Tsurugi, what are you doing, put that down" Tenma shouted

"When he's not paying attention, me and Fei will surround him" whispered Saru from behind Tenma, but Tsurugi(fake) heard this and turned around catching Minori with a gun pointing at everyone

"None of you take another step" he said pointing the gun right at Tenma

Saru could no longer resist seeing his actions and pointing the gun at the others but especially at Tenma so he also pulled out a weapon from behind him snapping his fingers, teleporting the weapon into his hand

"Don't make any move" said Emperor Feida pointing to Tsurugi (fake) who was holding her face
"SARU" Tenma burst out next to him when he saw him with the gun in his hand
"Saru, what do you think you're doing?" asked Fei

"Put the gun down so I shoot" said Tsurugi (Fake)

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