ten - an evening of tension

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There had been worse, after the hook horrors. First, a crazed man with powerful spells. And then... a bulette that nearly wiped us. I had never seen one in person before- just drawings in books. It was massive, majestic; almost a shame we had to kill it.

We set up camp in the area nearby, and I couldn't help but stare at its large corpse looming over us as makeshift cover. Just in case some other nasties came out at us from the dark.

The whole group was frustrated that we were losing time having to rest again already, but everyone was feeling much more worse for wear than anticipated. No one had fought a bulette before. Astarion had almost been launched off a cliff edge, into the dark ravine below. I looked up at him as I finished setting up my tent. We had already finished eating, and Halsin and Shadowheart had already retired to their tents. Astarion hadn't even bothered to set up his own tent; he was merely looking at me from across the campfire with a bundle of furs in his arms.

I raised an eyebrow, silently asking him if he needed something. He gave a short nod and made his way over to me.

Once Astarion was standing just a few feet away from me, he looked down at the ground, and then back up at me. Those ruby eyes flashed momentarily with uncertainty before his mask fell back over his face.

"I thought- perhaps we could share a tent," he said quietly. "Save us some trouble packing up once we've rested."

I pretended to ponder this for a moment. It felt as if every nerve in my body came alive. My heart pounded in my chest, in my ears. He could probably tell just how excited and nervous I was at the suggestion, but I remained as calm as I could outwardly.

"That sounds reasonable to me," I said just as quietly, nodding my head. Astarion's eyes widened for a second, and then his usual grin grew.

"Is there- an offer of your delicious neck on the table?" he said, drawling every word. A small shiver went up my spine.

"Of course," I managed with another nod. I pulled back my tent flap, allowing him to duck inside. He paused in front of me, his face so very close to mine. There was a wicked glint in his eye, his grin growing even wider.

"I cannot wait," he said, enunciating those t's, and looking me up and down before finishing entering the tent. I swallowed hard, and followed him in.

He was tossing the furs out on the ground, arranging them to his liking before flopping down amongst them, one leg out in front of him and the other bent at the knee. He rested an arm over his knee, and patted the ground in front of him with his free hand. My mouth fell slightly agape.

"Don't just stand there gaping, dear, you're going to catch flies," he said with a small chuckle. "Come." He held his hand out to me.

I took a steadying breath and placed my hand in his, settling down amongst the furs with him. He helped me lay back against them.

"I'm really coming to enjoy these- little dates of ours," Astarion said quietly. He slowly trailed a fingertip over my cheek, along my jaw, and down my neck. My eyes fluttered closed for a moment.

"Little dates?" I asked. He chuckled and leaned down closer to me.

"Whatever you want to call this," he murmured. "I can't get enough."

With that, he leaned down the rest of the way, trailing slow kisses over my neck. I moaned quietly and shifted a little, wrapping my arms around him. One of his hands rested by my head, offering him support, while the other moved to cradle the back of my head. His tongue slowly grazed my skin, and my breath hitched while he let out a satisfied groan.

"Delicious," he said against my neck. "Intoxicating."

And then he bit down, piercing the skin, and I tensed at the sensation. His fingers wove into my hair, pulling slightly to crane my neck further for him. I gasped and dug my fingernails into his back.

"Astarion," his name was little more than a whisper tumbling from my lips.

As he drank from me, that gentle, numb feeling slowly starting to spread, I wondered if everyone who got bitten by a vampire felt this euphoric. I supposed the victims who were bitten against their will might have felt differently. But then- vampires had ways of charming people, as Astarion was clearly capable of. Perhaps they were more willing than they'd like to be... My heart raced, pumping my blood through both of us.

And then Astarion's face was above my own, a small trickle of blood down his chin. The expression on his face was unreadable. His hand cupped my cheek, and his lips were upon mine. Hungrily taking even more of me. I gave with an eagerness I didn't quite understand. I needed this- needed him. My fingers wove into his hair, pulling him down closer.

We stayed like that, lips and tongues moving together, for a while, before he pulled away, his breathing ragged.

"You- you should get some rest," he breathed. I could only nod, my breathing also a wreck.

We settled down into the furs together, thoughts of the duergar we'd have to fight so far gone from my mind. I dreamt of a pale, white haired elf roaming the streets of Baldur's Gate.

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