Finding out

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Walking into the Namikaze-Uzumaki mansion also known as  "The Whispering Petal Haven." Naruto was greeted by a maid by the name of Yvonne. "Welcome home princess Naru!" Naruto bowed and kept on her way until she found her Mother and Father standing in the middle of the large lobby of the mansion looking very nervous.
3rd person pov: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Good evening Naru.." Kushina said looking to the side as if trying to take her mind off of something.

"Good evening mother," Naruto smiled softly and bowed politely. She knew something was up. She knew her parents well after all. She had an assumption what was about to be said, but she knew it would come up one day and was prepared for the news.

"Naru honey, it's about time you take over the mafia business. We know you'd be the best leader which is why we're deciding that you will take over next week, if you ever need help, you know you can ask us. Also, many people have been inquiring about marrying you but, we've denied them all. We found a few candidates that would be fit for the position of your husband and we think we've chose one." Minato said preparing for Naruto to protest.

"Yes Father, I understand and I am fully prepared to take on the business. As for my future husband you can choose anyone. If they ever dare to hurt you or me I'll have them dead in the next second, so I'll be fine." Naruto said smiling.

Kushina and Minato stood shocked as their daughter accepted the news so well as if she knew this would be happening. "I'm so happy you're okay with this! We were so afraid you'd be upset with us ttebane.!" Kushina exclaimed excitedly. "We'll have the wedding scheduled in two weeks!"

Naruto nodded quietly with a soft smile and walked up to her room. She was a bit nervous, but she'd never show it. She hoped her new husband would be good looking and treat her well. She hoped it wouldn't be someone like those disgusting men who looked at her like she was 1 million dollars. She knew if they were, she'd kill them and have to be remarried, she didn't want to have to do it, but she would.

Naruto's pov: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat on my silky queen sized bed and got out my phone.  I decided to call my best friend Shikamaru. I knew he may be napping but it was worth it if I got someone to talk to. Calling him up, I waited patiently for him to answer... after a few rings he picked up sounding as if he just awoke from a nap.

"Hello troublesome blonde" Shikamaru said yawning.

"Hey Shika, I just wanted to talk to you because there's a lot going on, do you mind meeting me at the cafe on Main Street?" I said anxiously tapping my fingers on the nightstand.

"Yeah I don't mind, but I hope you know it's almost 10:00pm" Shikamaru said with a warning tone.

"Yeah yeah, I know, don't act like I'm a defenseless child Shika, I can protect myself" I said pouting slightly.

"I know you can, but I still want you to be careful." Shikamaru said as if he was my older brother.

"Yes sir" I said giggling and preparing to get dressed (Outfit is at the top). I got ready and started walking since the cafe was only a ten minute walk.

I'll admit, it was dark and eerie but I kept walking excited to see Shika anyways. As I was walking I noticed a guy in all black behind me with what looked like some drug in his hand. I kept walking dismissing his presence excited for my coffee. About 3 minutes from the cafe, the same guy grabbed my waist and asked if he could "take me to bed" I knew exactly what he meant and punched him in the face and was ready to keep walking. Then, he quietly snuck back up behind me and flicked some of the drug that was in his hand in my face, it shocked me so I gasped, and the tiniest bit fell into my mouth. I kicked him in his manhood and shot him with my pink silenced gun. I kept walking and arrived at the cafe.

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