Change can be good

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Lucy's POV;

I woke up and I saw a adorable Bradford next to me. I love him so so much. Not that I would've admitted to that 5 months ago. I know I'm not ready to do certain things, but I know he'll wait. He is such a sweet softie. My stomach grumbles but my leg hurts to much to walk, so I get over myself and wake up Tim. "Tim, baby, get up. I'm sorry for waking you but I am so so hungry." Tim looks at me with sleepy eyes. "Lucy, 5 more minutes please." I see Tim move and instantly get a pained expression on his face when he layed down on his shoulder. I look concerned. "Baby, lay down. It's okay." I let him sleep and call Tamara and Ashley up as they slept over in Tam's room. "TAMARA! ASHLEY!"

They both get down instantly, worried something happened to me. "Can you girls make me some breakfast, please?" They look at each other. "Can't Dad?" Ashley says. "Uh... he's tired." They look funny at me. "We know something happened. What happened?" I look at them slightly scared. "That is not up to me to tell you. If you want to know, ask your father." They both sigh but make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Thanks, girls."

Tim's POV;

My shoulder is hurting as hell, but Lucy took it so good. I think I'm ready to take more steps with her, and I absolutely love Tamara. I think we would make a good family. I wince in pain and put my head down in my pillow. I keep having the urge to poke my wounds open but I know I shouldn't. I hear two voices come to my room.

"Dad?" Ashley says. "Yeah, baby? What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I say as I'm worried for her. "I'm fine. But I'm worried about you. I know something happened last night. What happened?" I shake my head as she asks. "Don't be mad, Sweetie." She looks at me confused but let me talk. "I cut myself. I never thought I would but I did. I'm sorry." The girls look at me in shock.

"Dad, don't apologize." Ashley says. Tamara looks at me. "Tim, there is no reason to apologize. Thank you for telling us. Do you need anything?" Tamara asks. "No, I'm good. Just a bit hurting."

I get a call from Sarge. "Baby's, I need to take this. Go on, get out please. Love you!" I pick up and I hear a shaky voice. "Bradford, is that you?" "Yeah, it's me." I answer, confused. "Good. Just wanted to make sure nothing happened. How is Lucy?" He asks. "She's fine. Sarge, what's going on?" He sighs. "Tim, I hate to ask this so so much. But could you please work overtime? And take Lucy to the station? Chris escaped." I hear a sniffle and I am in absolute shock. "H-how?" I feel like crying. "He payed a guard. And Levi Lincon. Now they are both free." He says, slightly ashamed. "Ok. I'm on my way. But can Ash and Tam come too? Knowing Chris, he's gonna get revenge. And he know Luce and I care for them." The Sarge agrees and I walk to the living room.

I sit on the couch and look at the girls with teary eyes. "We are gonna go to the station. Take some clothes and food with you." They look at me confused but I just start packing, and tell them to do the same. After 45 minutes we were all packed and left for the car. Lucy looked at me weirdly. "Tim. What the hell happened?" I tear up. "Chris escaped."


Sorry that its so short! I hope you liked this!

Word count; 640

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