Chapter 2 [Hidden underneath]

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Lucian wanted to voice his thoughts out but unexpectedly couldn't reply to Cain's question, only a glimpse of a familiar voice was repeating that name in his head. It almost felt heart-wrenching, a cry of someone who has lost something important.






Breaking out of his thoughts, Lucian replied nonchalantly,

"I'm not quite sure, but it just....came to me, I guess."

Cain chuckled, feeling pleased after receiving his 'answer'.

"I see. Well, then I look forward to your 'love story'."

Cain teased the archangel as he got off his seat.

The archangel straightened his 'feathers' , declining the god's claim.

"It's not like that...don't misunderstand.."

"Sure thing~ fluff ball."

"ack! Cain!!"

Amidst their playful conversation, a knock came on Cain's door, making the two pairs of eyes stare directly at where the knock came from.

As the large golden door opened, walking in was a beautiful figure with rosy hair and a white veil that covered his face, giving off a mysterious aura. As he continued to walk, his dark midnight robe drags along the floor, giving contrasts to his moonlit skin.

"Yan Bo!" Cain called out with excitement as he immediately sprinted straight towards the entrance, escorting the unsuspected guest in.

Dumbfounded, Lucian, who stood at the side, could almost see an imaginary tail wagging off Cain's back.

This was the very first time he had seen Yan Bo of 神云(Shen Yun), the god of the moon. At first glance, the deity seemed to be unapproachable due to his unique and mysterious aura that he had never seen before. Additionally, his manners and presence are very different from Elysium

Lucian thought for a while before going over and yanking Cain to the side.

Lucian still held a bit of uncertainty as he had never seen or heard many details about Cain's lover before.

"Your lover... He..." Before Lucian could arrange his word into a polite sentence, Cain remarked.

"Yeah!" The god seemed confident with his reply despite Lucian's expression being full of concern or rather fearful.

"Though his side doesn't know of this relationship just yet, or at least I hope so." Cain continued.

Cain felt uneasy about their situation since it had never been known in public, but the archangel's worries instantly vanished when his lover called him over.

" birds..."

Watching his friend happily trotting over to his lover made him sigh. Lucian couldn't help but worry for his simple-minded friend. Hoping to scour the issues a bit more in-depth, as he unable to fully predict what their future will come for them.

After a few short conversations, Lucian was called back to do another assignment. Before leaving, Lucian gave both the gods a respectful bow.

"Oh, it seems like I have more tasks to do and time must be cut short, it was pleasant chatting with you two. Let's have tea again some other time. Well, then I bid you two farewell."

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