Payu's pov to be a stone hearted 💔

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(Caution : Don't blame me if you cry reading this chapter !!!)

It's Payu's pov why he is a cold and stone hearted person

Why he never get feelings and why he doesn't try to understand others feelings

Payu always says that a person can never love someone more than their life but he did...

He loved his twin brother Fah more than his life
Yes Payu was not the only son of his parents
He had a twin brother called Fah whom he loved more than his life

Payu was not born alone
He was born along with his twin brother Fah

They both were born 5 minutes apart

Payu was the first one and Fah was the second one

From childhood Payu loved and adored his brother like anything

Payu was not making any friends since childhood because he had his best friend which was his brother Fah

Fah was Payu's sunshine and reason of his happiness and smile

They celebrated their every birthday's together
Both were getting equal gifts from their parents but Payu would even give his gift to Fah

Seeing Fah happy was the happiest feeling and satisfaction for Payu

He was such a normal person and loved everything around him when he was with his twin brother

Payu was a sweet person who respected everyone and loved everyone because he was so happy when his lovely brother was next to him

Until one day everything changed in his life and made his life upside down

*5 years ago....!!!

Payu and Fah were studying in a same University

Everything was fine until one day Fah falls in love with a girl

Payu was so happy for his brother and supported him because he wanted Fah to be happy

Fah was so deep in love with a girl and even that girl starts dating him after few days when he proposed her

Payu always wished good for Fah and his girlfriend

He was literally so happy seeing Fah happy

But one day everything changed

Fah came back home crying

Payu was shocked to see his adorable brother crying

When he asked the reason for it Fah says that the girl is cheating on him

Payu gets so furious but Fah stops him from doing something and tells him that he will be okay

When Fah said he is going to be okay Payu believes in him...

Few days passes and Fah was still upset and Payu tries to console him

Every time he tried to console Fah he always said Payu that he is okay and shuts his mouth

It was evening when Payu finishes his football practice and comes back home and goes to Fah's bedroom to see him on the floor with mouth full of blood

Payu was shattered into pieces to see his lovely brother in that stage

Fah had taken poison to kill himself !!!

He quickly calls his parents and maids then they take him to hospital

Payu was shaking
He was in shock

And when he went inside the ICU to see Fah

Fah sees him with eyes full of tears
He couldn't speak because of the oxygen mask put on his face

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