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"I don't get how we lost, eh! They have more girls on their team." Ezekiel exclaimed, crossing his arms. He didn't understand, why others were glaring at him for saying that.

"What do you mean by that, homeschool." Eva hissed practically banging her hand on the table.

"Well my pa said to help the girls there, in case they can't keep up, eh.." He shrank under his sit, meeting the burning gaze of the others.

"Hey! Atleast he doesn't think guys are smarter." Harold tried defending the homeschooled. They talked only once before the challange, but they enjoyed eachothers company.

"But it's true, e-" Zeke flinched as he feelt a strong hand grab his scrawny neck. It was none else than Eva.

"Heyy let's chill there..!" Eva let the homeschooled go with a scoff after hearing Geoff's statememt.

"Don't think you'll get a free pass from this. Homeschool." Zeke tried making an assuring smile, but his anxiety in this situation got the better of him. And he was pretty sure he looked like an idiot.

Little did he know who has watching the whole situation from the screaming gophers table.

Eva left. Along with other remembers of killed bass, zeke excluded. He couldn't even explain himself. And he was pretty darn sure he was gonna get voted out.

He doesn't understand why were they so angry? So mad? His dad told him everything he needed to know. And he shared this knowledge. So why?

"Heyyy, what was your name again?" He felt a pat on his shoulder and a nee voice coming from the back. He blinked turning around.

It was justin. The only question there was is why is he there?

"Zeke, eh?" He replied unsure of this whole situation. The others man eyes sparked with curiously.

"What happened there? Like why did the angry woman grabbed you like that? What did you even do?" He asked confused. Zeke couldn't tell if he's just into drama and gossip or is just generally curious. Well, maybe both.

"I don't know, eh. I just told 'em what my pa told me, eh." Zeke sighed.

"And what did you say..?" Justin raised an eyebrow in suspiction. Surely it couldn't be that bad. Or it could seeing how it turned out.

"Well I said, I don't know how we lost, eh. The other team has more girls. Or something like that, eh." Well maybe it is that bad. This man has a free pass go getting voted out for sure.

"Wait didn't you say you told them what you 'pa' told you?" The candyman leaned his head on his hand.

"Yea, eh."

"So you're just saying what your dad told you?"

"Yup, eh."

"Y..you know how stupid that is?"

"How is that stupid, eh??" He asked in genious confusion.

"Take Eva for example, do you think she's strong and smart?"

"I mean, yea for sure, eh..? I still don't get the point, eh..."

"You think man are smarter and stronger than woman, yet I can tell Eva is stronger than most, if not all of us.. so that means she's stronger than most of the man."

"Oh.... That'd make sense I guess, eh.... But i'm still gonna get voted, eh..." He annouced in defeat.

"Well... I could help you... But only if I get your vote." He doesn't know why he suggested that. He doesn't know why he even cares. Justin also doesn't understand.

"Like- if I vote for who you tell me to, eh?" Homeschool questioned, taking interest in the proposition.

Justin nodded.

"But how would you even do that, eh?"

"And that's for me to figure out." He smirked. Well... Maybe his intuition wasn't wrong for telling him to help the man. I mean he gets an allie and an annoying player eliminated? Count him in.

"But for now... Vote for Courtney in eliminatiom ceremony." Zeke though about it, but it didn't take him long to decide.

"Deal, eh!" He responded confidently. Justin smirked at this.

**/Time skip to the elimination ceremony/**

"Welcome to the first elimination ceremony!" The host exclaimed, more to the camera than the campers.

"You'll vote in confesionalls. Everyone safe will get a marshmellow. At the end of the day it's the one without marshmellow to get eliminated." Zeke looked at the plate of marshmellows worried.

**/Voting confesionalls/**

"Courtney for sure, eh! Not only she was bossy but she didn't jump either!"

"The comment was so unnecesary! You're going down homeschool!"

**/End of voting confesionalls/**

"The first person to recive a marshmellow is Bridgette!" She smiled, walking up to take her marshmellow.

"Katie and Sadie are also safe tonight." They squelled in excitment before taking theirs.

"The same goes for Geoff, Duncan and Geoff." They five-highed eachother before taking theirs aswell.

"Tyler, Izzy, Harold you're safe." Izzy made a backflip landing perfectly before the tray. Before eating hers like a wild animals. And Tyler and Harold just took theirs and got back to their sits.

"The second last person safe is.... Eva!" "Just about time."

"And the last person to get a marshmellow is...." Thr homeschooled and the cit looked worried as hell. Can you blame them? One of them will be out which means so chance for 100k dollars.
"Ezekiel!" The boy sighed in relief taking the last marshmellow.

"Which means Courtney will be taking the boat of shame. I'm supristed too, to be honest!" Chris said seeing the look of despair on her face.

"W-what?!?! How am I out!! I will contant my laywers about this!! This is NOT fair!! He should be out insteand!!" She cried out. Refusing to accept the loose. Chef himself had to take Courtney to the boat. Since she refused to get on.

So that means he's still in the game. Man, he really needs to know how Justin did that. But he's really thankfull for that.

He turned back from the boat taking off, to see the killer bass roasting their marshmellows by the campfire. Zeke saying nothing at all left. The only think he could hear was Chris's announcment.

"And so this is the first episode! The campers had to jump off one thousand feet cliff and try to land in the safe zone! Then build atleast decent made jacuzzi by the end it was the killer bass that loss and send the formal cit, courtney to the boat of losers. How will zeke deal with the girls? Will owen stop giving heart attacks from farting? Find out later. In total. Drama. Island!"

At the end of the day it was Justin he was thankfull for saving his ass.

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