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As my eyes opened because of the bright sunlight that was comfort for my cold skin I saw it was drizzling. Tho it was sunny, it was still drizzling and it was a beautiful sight. The trees in front of my window being a contrast to the red apples as the rain drops slipped down the apples and made a puddle in the leaves. the sun in the background making itself noticeable just as it came out of the field where I could see some workers working already.

I turned around and saw my dog, Bruno, looking at me with his tongue out. I chuckled at his cuteness, and for a second every disaster in my life disappeared. It was just Bruno, me and this beautiful scenery.

I closed my eyes, bringing Bruno, my jaan, near me. Cuddling him close and kissing his head softly while he pants in my neck. Having his warmth on my chest made me feel less cold and alone. Closing my eyes and taking deep breaths, Bruno's licks on my hand putting me in a glorious sleep. Just as I was on my way to Dreamland my alarm woke me up and I almost sobbed out of being woken up from the most amazing sleep.

The digital clock that sits on my bed side table blaring with an annoying sound that I would kill torturously if I could. Before I jumped on that stupid clock it made itself still and quiet.

Before I could sleep my phone lit up with light signaling I've gotten a notification. I opened my phone and saw my best friend, Marcus texted me.

Mr.poopy💩🧡: You do remember you have a test this afternoon right?

I read his text over and over again. Trying to find some kind of motivation to get up and gather my notes. I was filled with nothingness. They say sleep is therapy. But when you sleep for 10+ hours you're numb and too relaxed and comfortable with the problems in life.

Mr.poopy💩🧡: Get up and next time, pls sleep with a blanket on.

He texted again and without a try he brought a smile on my face.

Even tho I'm the only child, he's always been my brother. We were 12 and 15 when we became friends, and overtime, our bond became so strong in such a short time that we considered each other brother and sister. He's always been with me.

He seemed to always know exactly my thoughts even when I'm not in front of him. He knew me better than I know myself. We don't have a very big friend group, it's just us, Debi who we met in uni, Nicolas, we met him when we were 13 and 16, ever since Marcus and Nick have been inseparable. Derek, who we met at a concert. The five of us always stick around. Obviously because of uni don't get to hang out much, but soon enough we'll all be university graduates with a lot more time to hang out.

Mr.poopy💩🧡: Meet me at the cafe inside uni. Dropping off Nick.

Y/nn🐑💕: Oki

He read the text and liked it. Bruno's licking on my face brought courage in my body and I got up from the cloud soft bed and made my way to the closet. I didn't feel like wearing anything Desi today so I chose overalls and my favorite jumper. I walked to the bathroom with my clothes in my arms, Bruno following me with his tail going side to side. He's the cutest!!

I put my clothes on the side and brushed my teeth. Yesterday's events came into my mind as a river to the sea. I prayed last night, when I woke up from a terrible nightmare and couldn't sleep. I prayed and gave everything in His hands. Right now, I'm not going to let worry and uncertainty ruin this beautiful day. So I did the breathing method.

I breathed in, and spoke my troubles in my heart. I exhaled and left it to God. I spit out the toothpaste and washed my face, and did my small skincare. I put lotion on my body and dressed up. Putting on deodorant and every body mist I could find in my hygiene drawer. I also sprayed some perfume, packed my bag, and went out to the front lawn. Bruno still following me.

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