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Dahlia-Jane's POV

Here we are, the famous statin 126 in AustinTexas, I can't even believe mom aloud this. It just goes to show how much the people in this family do not care for me.

" This place is exactly like it was the date that call came in, shutterd it at the next day," dad said

" It's like a tomb," tk adds

" Dad, please just tell them you changed your mind,we dont belong here," I plead

" We were invited here," he replied softly
I just scoffed and rolled my eyes

" Dahlia is right. We are for sure that wanted here by the people grieving the lost of those me they haven't even gotten rid of the dead flowers down on the sidewalk! And not what some city slickers are going to come here and scold them all how they're doing life all wrong!" Tk exclaimed

" A city slicker?" Dad asked, confused

" An outsider like a stranger," I answered for Tk

" Sometimes it takes an outsider someone they can blame possibly hate," dad said, looking at the both of us

" Just don't go out of your way to prove the point," tk said

" How about we go check out the house?" Said dad

" Sure," we said in unison

We parked in front of the house and trust me. It was a very big house, especially coming from a New york apartment. As we stepped in, it felt even bigger.

" Dahlia, how about you pick your room first. And the movers should be here in about forty-five minutes. "

" Umm.. sure," I said, knowing these were one of his attempts to win me over.

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