Chapter 5

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This summer was supposed to be a great summer. Ellie, Theo, and I were going to hang out all summer, and just have a great time doing it. We were probably going to make some trouble, sneak out a few times, maybe prank some people.

Unfortunately, Theo's dad sent a letter a week after his birthday, demanding he come home. He claimed that Theo had things he needed to do at home. That he never asked to stay all summer, just for the first few weeks. My parents didn't want Theo to be in trouble with his father, so they sent him home. Since then, Ellie and I have been hanging out a lot, but it's just not the same anymore. Theodore has assured me that he's fine, he got a job and his father is being decent, but I still can't help but feel like he's lying.

Thankfully, we will see him tomorrow. Tomorrow is August tenth, Solbriar Day.

"Ben!" I hear from down the hall. Lulu must be trying to repack. Again.

"What, Lulu?" I yell back.

"Come help me!"

Oh my god, this is the third time she's opened her bag back up to repack.

I walk to her room and open her door.

"Lulu, why do you keep opening it?"

I turn to see her lying on the floor.

"Lulu, what's wrong?" I ask, worried.

"Come, lie down with me," she demands, "I need help deciding what house to choose."

"You haven't decided yet?" I ask. I figured she would choose Fleuris immediately.

"I thought about choosing Fleuris, but would I not be of more use to be in Ambris?" she asks.

"Oh, Lulu, those in Ambris are more precautionary. The aetherion keeps our summoning harmless. If anyone attempts to use their gifts for harm, the aetherion cuts their magic off. The healers are there for potential accidents, though they rarely happen."

"Oh," she says.

We sit there in silence for a few beats before she asks, "Ben, what exactly does the ceremony of aether entail?"

I think of what to say for a few moments, before explaining, "Well, when you get put in your house, whether by choice or selection, you will undergo a change. You'll be faster, stronger, and your senses will be heightened. When you go through the ceremony, you will be given gifts based on the house you are in. For example, everyone has the ability to heal. You learn how to heal basic wounds, nothing too complex. But those in Ambris, they get more powerful healing abilities. They will also have certain classes that the rest of us don't. It's the same for every house."

"What are your house's abilities?" she asks.

"We get an extension of the original change. We get much stronger and faster."

"Oh," she says, "that's kind of lame."

"Oh is it?" I laugh. Leave it to Lulu to think that superhuman strength and speed is lame.

"A little."

We sit there in silence for a while, until it's time for bed. I can tell she's nervous, so I make us some chamomile tea and we sit in the living room. We both fall asleep on the couch, but it's the best sleep I've had in a while.

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