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Welcome to the Scribe's Hollow Author Interviews book! This book is a collection of interviews with members of our wonderful community. In this book, you will be able to take a glance into the minds of talented writers and see what drives them to create their great works.


The criteria to receive an interview at this time are to win the Book of the Month contest, which is held as a monthly random drawing within the Scribe's Hollow Discord server. More criteria to become eligible for interviews will be added eventually, and this section will be updated to reflect those changes. So, please stay tuned.


If you are an author that has an interview in this book and would like to have your interview edited or removed, please contact the owner of Scribe's Hollow or an administrator within the server, or you can send a private message to the Scribe's Hollow Wattpad account. Your interview can be modified or removed at any time you wish with no questions asked.


If you stumbled across this book but are not a member of the Scribe's Hollow community, you may still enjoy the interviews! If you are interested in becoming a member of the Scribe's Hollow Discord server, please send a message to the Scribe's Hollow Wattpad account. Note that Scribe's Hollow is a community for writers 18 and older. To join, you must be 18+ years old. No exceptions. 


This page will be updated periodically to reflect any necessary changes to criteria for interview eligibility and more. So be sure to check back from time to time.

That's it! Enjoy the interviews!

Scribe's Hollow Author InterviewsWhere stories live. Discover now