check in hours, flying darts, stoned chaperones.

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- SUMMER 2011 -

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- SUMMER 2011 -

"We said no grad gifts, Adler." My complaint sounded childlike, her hand wrapped around my elbow as she dragged me out to the porch swing for some privacy.

I sat, with not much more groaning, and leaned back against the back of the swing, her feet flying up and sending her back with me when my body swayed us into the air.

I settled my hands on the back of the seat, staring at her with a fake distaste for her insistence on giving me a grad gift before we left.

"It was already in the works before you came up with that lame idea." Her hand hid away from me behind her back, yet I could still see how she fisted a small box, tucked between the band of her pants. I figured it was too big to fit in her pocket, nor hiding it in her palm.

I sighed, wiping a hand over my eyebrow. "I was making sure you wouldn't go crazy and take money out of your savings for school."

She snorted a laugh. "Big talk from someone who I know has had my gift under his bed for months."

My face fell. There was no way she did. "I swear to fuck-Waylon!" I called out behind me through the window with a direct view into my grandparent's dining room, her hand smacking over my mouth to shut me up before I gathered a crowd I wasn't sure I felt comfortable sharing this fragile moment with.

It was for me, at least. Any moment with her was, really.

"He didn't snitch." She caught my attention. After ensuring I wouldn't bicker at my brother any more, she took her hand down. She squinted her eyes at me. "I know."

"If it even were true," I was skeptical about her knowledge, but still I scratched the back of my head nervously, surely telling her everything she needed to know. "What were your techniques?"

She tapped her index finger over her temple. "Intuition." She'd decided to jump the gun, taking the slim box from behind her back and slammed it over my lap, nervously scrambling out, "Now, open it!"

I take a moment to study her demeanor, sitting upright while doing so. I take the box precariously between my hands and slide a finger over the deep green velvet texture, my lips tipping up in the slightest.

The box opens up to reveal a simple slim gold chain. I was a simple guy, she knew this better than anyone. I hated the feeling of pendants or lockets on me, especially since I was the kind to wear a piece of jewelry like this until it gave up on me — literally.

My jaw slowly dropped, a shake of my head causing a lone curl to slide down my temple. "Perry, this is-"

"Don't say too much or I'm pawning it."

I chuckled lowly. "So she's real gold?"

"No, I just made them spray it for the presentation." Her sarcasm kept me on my toes, only making my laugh more throaty.

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