Chapter Five: Sight Of Him

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—chapter five: sight of him

"I brought home a stray pet," Astarion announced to the party.

"Not another one," Shadowheart scolded.

"At least this one is prettier than your Imp," he sassed.

"Bing-Bong was very pretty, thank you very much!" Shadowheart cried, mournfully.

"Who is Bing-Bong?" Aemry whispered to Gale.

"An Imp that Shadowheart adopted last year. Lae'zel killed him," Gale explained.

"The Imp is not dead, Gale of Waterdeep. I merely returned him to his motherland," said Lae'zel, sneering at him.

Shadowheart growled. "YOU SENT HIM TO HELL!"

"I am well aware of that, Shadowheart. I was on the other end of that transition," Lae'zel drawled.

Gale explained to Aemry that they were always at each other's throats and it was nothing to worry about. Tav, Wyll and Karlach happily welcomed Aemry back to camp and gave her a dignified tour. Aemry was appreciative for their hospitality but was still awkward around them.

"So, do tell, why has Astarion kidnapped you for the second time today?" Wyll asked, sharing everyone's thoughts.

"Oh, please," scoffed Astarion. "You know I never commit the same crime twice in one day, Wyll. It becomes a boring chore, otherwise."

"A Changeling tried to kill me, but Astarion beat him to the punch," Aemry explained, shocking the party.

"A Changeling? How fascinating!" Gale commented, intrigued.

"Why was it after you?" Tav asked, concerned.

Aemry shook her head. "I don't know."

"It's not the only target she had on her back," Astarion admitted. "Her own friend hired a hitman on her."

"A hitman!?" Karlach mumbled with a mouthful of food, deeply invested.

"We don't know that, Astarion," Aemry argued.

"Oh, I do love the way you say my name, darling. Do it again," Astarion teased, flirtatiously.

Aemry flipped him off with her middle finger. She explained to the party what she and Astarion had discovered, and together they strategised on how to best approach the situation. Majority agreed that the best course of action was to confront the hitman himself. Aemry didn't want to meet him in case her worst fears came true, but if her life was in danger from her own friend then she had to cut her off.

"One more vote, okay? No backing out after this," said Tav, looking between everyone carefully. "All those in favour of confronting Gorred Wynyore tomorrow, raise your hand."

Gale's hand went up, followed by Wyll, Karlach, Lae'zel and Astarion. Aemry looked at Shadowheart and Tav, wondering why they were siding with her. Tav explained that she knew what it was like to be in her position, to be the one deciding the fate of not only herself but the party as well. Because of this, she swore to defend Aemry and do as she asked, no matter the path she chose. Shadowheart thought the burden would be too great for Aemry to bear, assuming they discovered something heinous after meeting Gorred.

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