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A decision is made, and little Luxy now has to face a new reality.


Believe it or not, but my father was actually a pretty decent parent.

Yep, you read that right.

Bobby Worst, the world's worst supervillain, was a good dad.

And that was coming from his own son who he'd decided to completely avoid after that fateful day at the park.

I want to hate him, I really do. But after being the only constant in the first two years of my life, I can't find it in myself to despise my old man.

Not even when he allowed me to get whisked away and be raised under the roof of my mother's estranged father.



"Bryce, we need to talk."

The CEO sighed and quickly shoved the heart into her chest before turning around to face her partner.

"What is it, Bobby?"

The dark-haired man's brows furrowed in concern at seeing the now empty cooler behind his girlfriend. "How the fuck are you already out of hearts?"

Bryce simply waved her hand dismissively. "I can have Donovan fetch me more in the morning. Now what do you want to talk about, sweetheart?"

Bobby breathed out a frustrated sigh as he gestured to the room around them. "This, Bryce! All of this has gone too far!"

Because what used to be a bright, lively office was now a practically barren room. The black painted walls were lined with large red pillars, a desk and a chair occupied the far back of the room, and a single lamp served as the only light source inside.

It felt dark. It felt empty.

Almost like it was mirroring the empty cavity in Bryce's chest that she constantly needed to fill.

"You promised me you wouldn't lose yourself in your work," Bobby reminded, stepping closer towards Bryce, "You let me believe that you were doing all of this for us."

"I did!" Bryce snapped back, glaring at him. "My money can literally get you everything you've ever wanted!"

"I already had everything I've ever wanted, Bryce!" Bobby shouted back, tears beginning to well up in his eyes, "I had our family."

Suddenly, a child's voice piped up from the doorway.


Bobby's lips curved into a confused frown. "Luxy, what are you doing here?"

The sound of heavy metal footsteps was enough to answer his question.

"He asked me to take him to his parents," Donovan informed the two adults.

Bryce opened her mouth to say something but was rendered speechless the second she locked eyes with her son. There were tear stains streaking the young child's face, and his eyes were red, and puffy, and so... sad.

Her son was sad.

Her son had been crying.

And it was all because of her.

"Shit... shitshitshitshit I fucked up, I fu–augh!"

Bobby swore under his breath as he realized what was happening.

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