What a stressful life!!

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Y/n woke up at three in the morning and found Kyubey standing next to her

"Good morning, sleepy girl. I think it's time for you to fulfill your part of our agreement, little miss."

Kyubey said this in a serious tone as he looked at her and put his hands on his waist

Y/n yawned, half awake and sleepy, not paying attention to what Kyubey was saying to her, going back to sleep again.

"_... Hm?''
Kyuubi stared at her for a moment and lay down close to her and approached her face, he touched her face and grabbed it and put her ear near his mouth and screamed loudly.
" wake up!!!"

_"!?!? Ah¿¡"

y/n woke up terrified! From his loud screaming!! The poor girl almost had a heart attack from this reckless boy

"You finally woke up!
I thought i'd have to do other things to wake you up! Now, y/n, do you remember your part of the contract that you must fulfill? My little miss~

y/n stared at his face for a moment, rubbing her eyes to wake up, realizing that this crazy boy wanted her to leave the house, and it was currently three in the morning to hunt witches.

_"n.. now? But we are still at dawn and the sun has not risen yet! I will complete my part of the contract later."

Kyubey stared at her face for a moment, then his facial expressions turned to angry ones. His beautiful red eyes became terrifying. His cat ears rose. Kyubey approached Y/N in a state of rage and might explode at any moment. He brought his face very close to hers and said to her in a calm voice. you could feel that this calm voice was angry

"Listen, little miss, I am a being filled with a magical energy capable of destroying the entire universe. I do not think that your attempt to annoy me and anger me would be a good idea."

Y/n's body shivered when she heard what he said. She threw the blanket and quickly got up and said in a panicked voice.
"H... yes sir!"

Kyubey smiles
"Finally, now take your magic jewel, little miss, we have a very long day of witch hunting!"kyubey said in a cheerful tone

Y/n took gem, her coat, and a flashlight, went out of her house and closed the door quietly so her parents wouldn't hear her

"Ugh, Kyubey is really crazy!" y/n said and turned around to find Kyubey next to her.

"?! k... kyubey s.. since when you are here aren't you in my home??'"

Kyubey smirks

"Don't worry, little miss, I won't leave you searching for witches alone at three in the morning. I am a man of principles! Plus, this is your first time fighting witches!"
He said in a cheerful tone

"What a gentleman you really are," y/n said

Y/n and Kyubey went to different places. They spent two hours searching for witches and did not find anything to the point that Y/n started to give up, but Kyubey was encouraging her to continue as a last attempt. These two decided to cross a road near the hospital.

"Kyubey w...what is this?!"

Y/n noticed that her gem started to shine

Kyubey's face broke into a very big smile
"y/n we found a witch!!"

"W.. What? "

"There's no time to waste, come on!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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