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Hi everyone!

This place is for all you Slytherins out there.

So, let's brief ourselves on what we will be doing in this club-

-Discuss Slytherin Related Topics (like obviously!)

-Self Promote Books (With Slytherin Characters as Leads)

-Post One-shots


-Watch Slytherin-related videos

More or less that.

Now for the RULES!!!!

-Be respectful to everyone

-Do not be silent

-Be as active as you can

That's all. I am not going to beg you guys to follow me or vote for this chapter or put this in your reading list. It's your own whish. I would rather get followers for my merits.

Remember this is not a Wattpad Club!

With that being said let me tell you how to be an official member of this club

-Personally message me

- Write below in the comments section you want to join

-I will personally ask some people to join if they are active Slytherin fic writers.


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