Chapter 8 - Big Boss

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It was your first time taking the bus from the Hotel to the Museum and to say it was a rowdy ride would be an understatement. Alastor's presence seemed to ward off strangers as the group seated near each other. Husk and Angel sat together, bantering and talking like no tomorrow while Niffty cleaned the floors under every seat and Sir Pentious collated most of the eggs on his seat. Charlie and Vaggie were as sweet as ever next to each other, Charlie more visibly excited about the excursion than everyone combined, and Vaggie enjoying her girlfriend's long rant.

"You seem nervous," Alastor notes softly.

"Me? Nervous? No, no, I'm not nervous, just... tired, yes, just tired," you quip, holding onto your hand tightly.

"It's just a simple outing! Nothing to be distraught over," he places a hand on top of yours.


The moment you got off the bus, you stood before the museum with a blank stare. Sure, no one has ever seen your behind-the-scenes work to this extent besides Lucifer, but with people like Alastor to compare to, you were just another flower in the field. And who said anyone would see you working behind the scenes? You could drop the group off at the gift shop with a tour guide, and all would be dandy.

"So..." Charlie saddles up beside you, "What are you working on? I know you've been away forever, so it must be good!"

You glance over with a gentle smile, "just a few artifacts from the Holy Roman Empire that ended up in Hell,"

"Got any sexy Roman hunks in there?" Angel grins.

"The best you're going to get is a statue or two, Angel," you then do a double take, "Please, don't do anything to them," while joking, you kept a stern manner... just in case. Up the staircase, each sinner was brought closer to the heavenly glow of a pristine institution. And closer, you got to a hopefully non-catastrophic day.

One foot in the door and your demeanour switched. Taking off your coat, a small demon runs up to you to collect it, another holding a clipboard in hand and a few more following behind. Your suit was pristine as usual, tailor-made with enough modern flare to keep up with the ever-changing underworld. Your staff wore similarly immaculate suits, making sure the museum's reputation never wavered.

"Oh, shit just got real," Husk hums to the group when you were handed a cup of coffee without needing to ask.

"Alexander, please bring our guests some refreshments," you ask the goat demon politely, walking to the front desk and collecting the reports from Cecelia's desk. "What do I have booked today?" you ask your assistant, who is quick to open your schedule.

"You have a 1 o'clock with King Paimon and a 3 o'clock with Asmodeus," she notes, "shipments of the new exhibition will be coming in at 5 o'clock alongside Prince Stolas' agreed trade," Cecelia waits for your feedback.

"Cancel, Asmodeus, I don't have time for him and his freaky clown toy," you then stop and click your fingers, "speaking of, be a doll and have Ruby put eyes on him; something is going on with those two, and I wanted a file on it yesterday,"

Cecelia was quick to call a few contacts as told, taking the files off you and walking to your office to set up the first meeting. "So Miss Humble Manager is actually the big boss, eh?" Angel leans on Pentious, who scowls.

"Oh, come on, that was hardly demanding," you scoff, signing a few papers held up to you.

"But it is quite curious to be dealing with Goetias," Alastor rested on his staff with a slight grin.

"It's more like babysitting, at times," you counter, "now, just follow Alexander and-"

"Aw, why can't we come with you?" Charlie frowns, running up to you with her bright, puppy dog eyes. "Come on, Y/n, please? Please? It would be great for Angel and Pen to see what an honest, disciplined business looks like!"

Disciplined was correct. Honest? Well, honesty in Hell was a rarity. A rarity that was debatable.

Your eyes flicker back and forth between the group and your team. "Jeremy, make sure my office has enough seats; thank you," your head drops when he runs off, "try not to touch anything,"

Charlie hugs you tight, which throws your team off, all unaware you are capable of such actions. "Thank you, Y/n!"


You sat in your chair, not used to the crowded room. Luckily, the snacks and drinks Alexander had brought became an easy distraction for most. As for Alastor, he stood watching the view of Hell from the floor-length windows; his smile never wavered even when Nifty showed him a bug she was able to catch.

"You've got something on your mind," you input quietly.

"And why do you say that?" Alastor walks over to you, sitting in the client's chair.

"Have I ever been wrong in pointing it out?" you place down your pen, looking at him plainly.

He gives what could only be described as a smile of disdain, "While this is all quite... impressive, I can't help but wonder how in all of Hell this was possible?"

"That better not have been a condescending remark, Alastor," you warn playfully. "I will admit it took pulling a few strings, but I owe it all to-" a knock was heard swiftly at the door. "Come in!"

A small Imp rushes in with papers untidily collected in his hands, "King Paimon is here... early..." his voice grew higher and more frightened.

"What?" A distortion clouded your voice, causing the group to snap their heads your way. Your eyes widen, your hand moving to cover your mouth as you clear your throat. "I'll be with him in a moment," you stand up, hands on the desk with a forced smile, "excuse me,"

They all watch you hurriedly leave the room, taking a pile of paper from the Imp by your side. "Cecelia and I tried to-"

"Thank you, Atlas," you give him an assured pat on the shoulder, unaware of the creeping shadow following your every step. "Please entertain my guests. I want Dario to give them a tour of the museum while I deal with this,"

"Yes, ma'am," he nods and rushes off back to your office.

Stopping in front of an ancient mirror, you fix your clothes before taking a deep breath, "Just because he's a king, he thinks he can fuck with my operations?" You give an annoyed laugh, "Goetias, I tell you,"


Woop- also I low-key don't know if I should keep my og description for Paimon which is more "biblically" accurate I suppose, or change it to match the Helluva canon of goetias

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Woop- also I low-key don't know if I should keep my og description for Paimon which is more "biblically" accurate I suppose, or change it to match the Helluva canon of goetias

- Anna ❤️

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