4. Confronting Fear.

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During the following two weeks, Taehyung and Y/N struggled to find time to meet. Y/N's busy schedule and Taehyung's rivalries kept them apart. Despite their limited interactions, Taehyung noticed Y/N's distant tone in their messages. He tried to inquire about her well-being, but she brushed off his concerns, citing her workload.

Taehyung's worry grew as he sensed something was off with Y/N. Despite his attempts to arrange a meeting, she remained preoccupied with work, leaving Taehyung feeling increasingly frustrated and impatient. He longed to unravel the mystery behind Y/N's distant behavior and restore the closeness they had shared during their previous encounters.

Taehyung monitored Y/N through the hacked CCTV system in her office cafeteria. He noticed her sitting alone, stirring sugar into her coffee but not drinking it, lost in thought and staring off into the distance.

Y/N sat at her desk, fully immersed in her work, her fingers flying across the keyboard of her laptop. Feeling the strain of her efforts, she rubbed her tired eyes just as a knock sounded on her office door. She granted entry to the barista, who entered with a beautiful flower bouquet and a paper bag in hand.

Placing the items on her desk, the barista informed her, "These were sent for you, ma'am."

Y/N's brows furrowed in confusion as she questioned, "Who sent these?"

The barista shrugged, expressing his lack of knowledge before departing, leaving Y/N pondering over the mysterious gifts before her.

Taking in the delicate fragrance of the flowers, their sweet aroma enveloping her senses, Y/N noticed a small note nestled among the blooms. With gentle fingers, she unfolded the paper, revealing Taehyung's thoughtful message:

"Sending these your way to brighten your day! Looking forward to seeing you soon.

A smile bloomed on Y/N's lips, spreading wide as she read his words. The warmth of his gesture washed over her, igniting a blush that crept up her cheeks, sending a flutter of excitement through her.

Turning her attention to the paper bag, she discovered her favorite spicy chicken wings and a refreshing blueberry milkshake nestled inside. The sight of her beloved treats brought a wave of delight, and Y/N couldn't help but cover her face with her hands, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks at Taehyung's thoughtful gesture.

Unbeknownst to her, Taehyung watched from afar, a wide grin adorning his face as he witnessed her reaction through the CCTV feed, his heart swelling with warmth at the sight of her happiness.

Taehyung observed with a contented smile as Y/N enjoyed the treats he had sent, her happiness evident in the gratitude she expressed. Pleased to see her lifted spirits, he resolved to speak to her later when she returned home.

As Y/N resumed her work, Taehyung also delved back into his own tasks, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. Knowing he had brought a smile to her face filled him with a warmth that transcended the confines of his office, reaffirming his desire to bring joy to her life however he could. With renewed determination, Taehyung focused on his work, his heart lightened by the knowledge that he had succeeded in brightening her day.

Y/n after returning home decided to give a call to Taehyung for his sweet gesture.

Y/N: *Dialing Taehyung's number, feeling a hint of nervousness as she waits for him to answer.*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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