Chapter 3: The Pitiful Children

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Detective Ahser

"Detective Paxton Asher assigned to the scene, who is the lead forensic specialist present?" I say while scanning the room for the lab geek.

The place is disgusting. I don't know how anyone could raise children in a place like this, but it isn't those girl's fault. I hate coming into scenes like this. Nobody killed these people besides themselves and the drugs they did. It's a shame but now their kids might have a chance at least.

"Over here Detective" shouts a young lady that doesn't look a day over 21. I walk over to the young lady who now introduces herself as Mattie Matteo and she is the lead crime scene investigator assigned to the case."It isn't much of a case because it's an obvious overdose amongst a couple of junkies. They most likely bought some shake off a local dealer who was trying to make a buck and get his high too by cutting the dope they were doing with something of less quality. Maybe even a chemical. What this filler was will be determined after some lab results are completed." Matteo informs me.

The state has been notified about the children and they are talking to them when I walk over to the dining table. Before I head over Mattie says "They seem relieved Detective. Can you believe that?" Unfortunately, I could

Back to Joleen

So many people are here now "Are you sure your sister didn't put anything in her mouth Joleen? If she did it could make her really sick. We just need to make sure neither of you touched anything or got anything into your mouth." The lady has asked me this three times now.

"Yes, I am sure ok? I kept sissy in the bedroom so she wouldn't see mother in the bathroom. I didn't let her come out here until we heard the sirens. I wouldn't even let her go pee like she needed to. I told her we were going to play a game and sneak and pee in the bowl. She thought it was funny and we were sneaking so I know she didn't and I know I didn't." I don't want to keep telling her.

I had managed to take most of the abuse from our parents friends and their children. Leslie was too young. Leslie had quite literally only been exposed to the neglect from mother and dad where food and basic necessities were involved. Mother had spanked her really hard several times because she had walked in on her in the bedroom or bathroom doing what she did. I had taken over taking care of Leslie after that. I had then, and would now, make sure she knew I loved her and would protect her. I had no idea where we would sleep tonight or what that was going to look like for us in the future, but if we had to run to protect her we would.

Detective Asher

I have a daughter around the age of this older girl and every time I look at her my heart cringes. I want to save her and her little sister from this life and show them it can be different. I want to save all the children. That's not possible so I will help while I can and right now I think these girls need something to distract them. I walk over to the kitchen table where they sit with the social worker and begin my attempt to bond with them.

"Hello miss? I'm not sure what to call you. My name is Paxton Asher and I'm a detective. You can call me Pax if you like. That's what my little girl tells people my name is.'

"I'm Joleen, Joleen McBee. My sister needs to eat soon. I know she is going to be hungry soon, do you know if we could get her some milk?"

"Well yes of course we can get your sister some milk. Do you happen to have some here in the fridge?"

"No. We don't have any. Mother sometimes has some powdered milk in the cabinet and puts that in her sippy cup, but I think that it's all gone too."

I reach into my breast pocket and give the girls a piece of juicy fruit. "How about I get someone to go get some milk and maybe a pizza? Are you hungry too Joleen?"

"I am a little bit. Could I have a soda too?"

Joleen takes only a quarter of a piece off of a stick of gum and gives it to her little sister. So thoughtful as to not give her a piece big enough for her to choke on. "Mother would never allow Leslie to have gum. I guess I am mother now sissy," Jo says to Leslie. Then she looked up at me with determined eyes full of tears at the responsibility she had just inherited.

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