Chapter 1: The First Kill

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"What am I looking at Tabby?"

"These are the photos that I was able to get a copy of from my friend at Langston County Sheriff's Department. Joleen, you have to see these. I know you don't want to believe it but you need to hear me out."

"Ok! I will listen to your theory, but you need to understand that saying my sister might be this monster you are describing is absurd." I have to defend Leslie. I'm worried about what ideas Tabby has because she is so insightful about things. What if what she is saying is true?

Tabby: "I told you when the second girl got hurt after they lost their game that I was worried Leslie might have something to do with it. I don't want to believe it either Jo, but it's getting really hard not to consider her. Remember when that little boy at Les' birthday party got the bloody nose from out of nowhere and you thought she had something to do with that?"

Jo: "I did not think she had something to do with it."

Tabby: "Yes, you did Jo! You did and you told me so at the time. She could have fooled you with her story about it being someone else. And what about that time when Nate said he thought he was pushed down those stairs at The Ranch? Leslie had been the only one up those stairs and he was too scared to say it was her. C'mon Joleen! There have been things all through the years that were strange when she was around. That teammate of Leslie's was scared of her I'm telling you."

Jo: "How do you know that?"

Tabby: "I heard her, Sophi, talking to the coach after practice when they lost their game. She was telling him that she thought Leslie had pushed the other girl, Linda, down the parking garage stairs. She said that Leslie had threatened her after accusing her of trying to sabotage her chance to win in front of the scout who was at that game. Joleen, she was terrified telling him this."

Jo: "It makes no sense Tabby. To go this far over a lost volleyball game? Really? And this picture is of a murder. That's a lot more serious than pushing a girl downstairs."

Tabby: "Who do you think you're talking to right now Jo? I know what you two are remember? I know the girl I heard talking to the coach was Linda and I know that Linda was pulled off and dragged from the racetrack at school into the woods by a "wolf standing like a man" I think was her description. Isn't that what she called it? And that was two days ago. So in three weeks, two girls are seriously injured and the coach murdered. All leading up to the full moon coincidentally."

Jo: "Is that what you think of me too? Do you think I'm capable of doing something like this? Because that's how it feels right now. I feel like you think we can't control it or like we just have some bloodlust or desire to kill. That's not how it is Tabby."

Tabby: "I know that isn't you Joleen. I know that in my heart. I can't say the same for Leslie. I've had the dreams and the warning feelings since the little boy at the pizza place years ago. You can't deny that it has happened before with other members of other packs. Hell maybe even your own, have you ever asked?"

Jo: "No, I haven't. There have been things that have been strange about her lately. I've noticed she has been writing a lot in her journal. There is some new boy she has been hanging around with who isn't like us. Tabby, I just look at all the blood in these photos and can't believe Leslie did that. This man is ripped to shreds and that is an angry person with a chainsaw or definitely a wolf. But you know we are lycan and have more control over our animal. We know what we're doing when we shift and that makes this even harder to consider it's her."

Tabby: "I love you like my sister Jo and I would never come to you and ask you to if I wasn't so convinced. You need to start looking into Leslie's belongings and see what you can find. Maybe there is evidence in that journal you mentioned. Something will show you I just know it. I know you will find something if you look."

If this was my little sister then how could I have possibly missed that she was this evil, vicious thing? Someone or something had caught Coach Rucker as he was coming out of the gym and mauled him. His torso was still attached to his left leg, but even it was missing the foot. He had been decapitated and his heart was missing.

I know that the missing heart is something I should take note of, and the fact that the paw print I'm looking at in the scene is bigger than any normal wolf paw print I've ever seen.

Jo: "The police haven't asked me any questions or been around. Why haven't they said anything about suspecting Leslie if there's evidence?"

Tabby: "I didn't say there was evidence. I said look for yourself. Like before there is evidence and you can't deal with this internally anymore. At least talk to Jensen and see what he says. I've never lied to you and I've always told you my visions and insights and you know I love you. You also know that Jensen loves you and he will tell you the truth and be open-minded."

I should tell Jensen tonight. I should talk to him and see if he thinks I should bring this to Alpha Cavill's attention. Wouldn't he have felt it if she had killed someone? I need to ask Jensen this question.

*Jensen I need to talk to you tonight about something serious. Please would you stop and grab a bottle of Moscato on your way home? Make it two.*

*Yes my love I will. Are you ok? Do I need to leave early? There isn't really anything going on around here today. I was just about to mind-link you anyway and see if you wanted me to grab dinner. I'll just do that as well so we can talk and not worry about it.*

*Thank you for that. I hadn't even considered dinner. I love you babe.*

*I love you, too*

"Ok Tabby I will look into Leslie's room tonight whileshe is out at the movie with Drake. If I don't find anything will you leave it alone?"

"Yes I will and I will apologize too."


One of the worst conversations I ever had to have was this morning. To top that, it was with my best friend. One of the reasons I love Tabby so much is that she's the most honest and unbiased person I know. If she loves you or hates you, you get the same truth from her. In my lifetime of fucked up relationships it is what I have used to stay grounded to some sort of guide between right and wrong. I'll tell you more about that later. For now, I have to focus on what Tabby said to me only a few hours ago. Could Leslie, my own flesh and blood, the baby sister I've basically raised since she was a 3-year-old screaming toddler who couldn't step on an ant without crying, Could my little baby sister be some sort of evil?

I can't fathom I would have missed the signs. Wouldn't I have seen this coming? What kind of person doesn't see a cold-blooded killer in their own house? Right under their nose. But here I am. Looking in the mirror at what appears to be a smart, experienced beyond her years, beautiful woman with a bright future laid out ahead of her. Instead, it's a broken tormented from childhood, hideous vision I see looking back at me. It's time to look through lil sisters' secret places.

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