chapter 6

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It opens with Vaggie, and Charlie in their room. Charlie is packing clothes into a suitcase while Vaggie sits on the bed, looking troubled.

Charlie: Ok, I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket and rain jacket- wait, does it rain in heaven?

Vaggie: Charlie, you're only going to heaven for a few hours.

Charlie stands up and paces a bit.

Charlie: Vaggie, we are only going to heaven for a day. And I just want to be prepared! It's our last chance to convince heaven a soul can be redeemed.

Vaggie: Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that...thing.

Charlie: What thing?

Vaggie: The thing with the.. thing uhm.. fuck, gah, I'm such a bad liar.

Charlie takes Vaggie's hand.

Charlie: Vaggie, you're my partner, I need you there with me.

Vaggie: *sighs* Fine.

Charlie: Yes!

Charlie hugs and kisses Vaggie's cheek. There was a knock on the door.

Charlie:Come in

The door opened as Dylan walked in with his suitcase.

Dylan:Hey Mama Charlie, Mama Vaggie I'm ready for our trip to heaven

Charlie:Great let's go wait for the portal to open up in the lobby

Dylan:Ok then

The scene then changes to the main hotel room, as Angel Dust stumbles into the room.

Angel Dust: Oh, fuck.

Niffty pokes her head out of a plant pot.

Niffty: You look messy! What happened to you?

Angel Dust: It's who happened to me, and the answer is everyone! Twice. Val had me working 16 hours straight on a fucking whim. The absolute dickbag. UGH!

Wall explodes

Angel Dust: Argh! What the fuck is with that wall?!

David:Seriously?! There is two separate places I work now where the wall keeps getting blown up! Like there's a door right there!

An outline in the now-destroyed wall can be seen.

Cherri Bomb: What up hoes? *laughs*

Angel Dust: Holy shit! Cherri Bomb? Long time no see baby!

Cherri jumps into the room.

Cherri Bomb: Angie, ya bitch! You been texting me depressing shit all day! Figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fucking forever!

Cherri gives the bomb to Charlie.

Cherri Bomb: Here, hold this.

Charlie: Ah! Oh my god! Oh my god!

Charlie tosses the bomb back and forth in her hands until Vaggie takes it

Vaggie: Nope, gimme that.

Vaggie throws the bomb out of the oh-so broken wall and said bomb explodes 'safely'.

Dylan:Hi aunt Cherri!

Cherri:Hey Dylan it's been so long *she said as she pulls him down to her height and she gives him a knuckle sandwich*

Dylan:Ahh hey quite it

Cherri:Haha *she let's him go* you looking to go out and party kiddo

Dylan:Sadly no I'm going with Mama Charlie and Mama Vaggie somewhere right now

Cat's out of the bag: Dylan's beginning Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang