Chapter 3

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I looked up to see who it was



Once I got into blood moons territory I seen the limo parked out side of a small house where I think they were. I drove my bike to the back of the house so no one would see it and went to the entrance I slowly entered the house quietly so no one would hear me. I walked to the kitchen following her sent and there she was sitting at a table playing a game on her phone. I walked up to her hoping that she would know I was right beside her and we could talk more about this without me losing my temper on her. She then looked up at me with a look of surprise clear on her face. She opened her mouth and it looked like she was about to scream so I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.

"Shhhh its okay I wont hurt you im just here to find out some answers" I said softly she seemed to understand so I took my hand off her mouth. We both let out a breath and then she started going off on me " Why are you here you could get killed...your putting the whole pack in danger...I know you want answers and I do to but I don't have any yet but i will let you know when I do" when she was finished I nodded "I will leave then also im sorry again about your arm." was all I said before I quietly left out of the house got on my black street bike and left the house while I was leaving the territory my wolf started to get sad for some reason. I shrugged it off and thought nothing of it I was still wanting to know answers but I believed that Rea didn't know at the moment. But I wasn't about to stop bugging her about it.

......................... Rea's p.o.v.........................

After jj left jessie mind linked me and told me that the meeting was over and that they were headed to the limo. So I got up and met them in the limo when I closed the door the limo was on its way to the ball. "So what happened how did the meeting go" I asked "It went well but I feel like alpha adam was not that focused like he usually is" luna jasmine said. I nodded my head the car ride there was quiet. The limo pulled up to a building the was huge, probably like one or two stories higher than our pack house and a lot wider. Once we parked jessie got out and helped me out as well. I grabbed on to his arm for life because I was I had a big fear of big crowds. He understood and gave me one of his to die for smiles and I smiled back. As we walked up to the big house the scent from earlier smacked me in the face. Then my wolf started jumping around my headed he is here he is here yay yay yay he is here was all she kept saying. I blocked her out and tried to focus and keep myself calm. 

Once we got inside I never left jessie's side scared I was going to get taken away from him any moment but the scent of whatever it was, was calling me to follow where ever it was going. But I ignored it thinking it was going to lead me to some trap or something. All of a sudden I heard the most terrifying growl in my life and then seen people were backing away from him. The most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. He had hair as black as night and eyes as blue as a warm sunny day, and lips a beautiful shade of pink i'll never forget. I then felt my cheeks become hot as I seen he was staring back at me. His face morfied into a face Ive never seen before when he looked at jessie. I hid behind him not knowing what to do that's when I heard the growl again it was closer I couldn't help but peek around jessie I seen he was staring at jessie like he was about to rip his head off. I quickly got in front of him while pushing him back knowing that jessie would be no match for him. Adam then looked down at me because he is really tall like 6'2 and me 5'2 I know I would be no match for him either but I didn't want my brother to get hurt. I looked down avoiding his captivating eyes.

"WHY THE FUCK DO I SMELL HIM ALL OVER YOU" he growled at me I was kinda confused because I didnt understand what he was talking about "TELL ME" he all but yelled at me. I took a step back not knowing what else to do "I dont understand what your saying" I whispered. "WHY ARE YOU ALL OVER THIS MALE YOU CUNT" I closed my eyes from the verbal slap he gave me "he is my brother" was all I could say before running out of the building crying. I ran down the road and didn't stop till the building was out of site. What did I do wrong fluffy??? does he not want us now??? does he think we are a cunt??? did he mean those words??? she stayed quiet because she was hurt to. I kept walking until I was at the border of his territory then I went off the road and climbed up a big tree I found and sat there gathering my thoughts.

......................... Adam's p.o.v..............................................

  Once the meeting was over I raced over to the pack house to find her. Xavier was over the edge to find out what she looked like. Once I got there I knew she was not there yet because her cookie and hot chocolate sent was not there. Five minutes later she finally arrived and man did she smell good. But I also smelled the male from the meeting on her xavier didn't like it at all so he took full control and let out a death growl. Once i got him back under control I looked ahead of me and there she stood a girl no taller than 5'2. She was beautiful she had long dark curls that went past her bottom and her skin was a pretty almond color that I loved and her eyes were a kinda light but still dark brown color and her curls where the color of her eyes. Beautiful xavier  screamed to me.

Then I looked to see that she was staring at me to I mentally smirked but then stopped when I saw that she started to hide behind the male. I growled again and as fast as lightning stood in front of him he looked way trying to not make eye contact with me knowing he would be challenging me if he did. Then all of a sudden my mate stepped in front of him like she could protect him from me. I looked down at her anger clearly written in my eyes. She looked down avoiding my eyes I started to get angrier because she wouldn't look at me. Then Xavier took control  "WHY THE FUCK DO I SMELL HIM ALL OVER YOU" he growled at her "TELL ME" he yelled. she took a little step back then whispered "I don't understand what your saying". Her voice was the softest thing I ever heard "WHY ARE YOU ALL OVER THIS MALE YOU CUNT" xavier shouted.

All of a sudden I felt the worst pain of sadness stab my heart but I didn't show it. "He is my brother" she said and then ran out the pack house crying. Xavier then let me take back control and he was sad as could be right now. The male came up to me and said "your her mate aren't you" I nodded he then shook his head and left me. Then alpha max came up to me and said "thank you for your time but we are going to be leaving" all I could do was nod.

After they left I went to my house and went  to my bed room and all I could think about was how I yelled at her and how sad I was now saying that she was something she was not. I felt really bad and didn't go to sleep at all that night.

.................... Rea's p.o.v..............................

I sat in the tree for 10 minutes until the limo showed up. I carefully got down from the tree and got in the limo. I looked down avoiding all the eyes I was getting and once the limo stopped in front of our house I got out and went up to my room without saying a word once I was in side I locked my door and got in bed I plugged my phone in and stared out the window letting a few tears fall to my pillow. I stayed up all night looking out the window and crying.


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