Chapter 5

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[ Momo POV ]

[ last night ]

[ Bae Mansion ]

We waited in front the door for someone to open it so we can get rid of this stinky burden as soon as possible..

The smile on their faces faded when they saw both of us holding their daughter..but why do they look so surprised..didnt they told us to come in the first place?

Oh miss Hirai..what a surprise to see you here too, said Mrs Bae who seemed genuinely confused¿? smiling a bit awkwardly


The maid took suzy to her bedroom while her parents invited us to take a seat at the living room.. brings you here miss Hirai/Chou, they both said at the same time which made us give each other a confused look..

Aa..i think this is a misunderstanding, said that weird yoda🙄..

If im not wrong i clearly remember that you called me this evening n asked me to check on your daughter then drive her home safely, i simply said n i noticed that mrs Bae seemed a bit taken aback..weird

N if im not wrong you called me for the same reason, Tzuyu said while looking at suzy's mother n the one who seemed surprised was now the father..

The married couple looked at each other n as their mentally agreed at each other they nodded n then looked at us..ngl this shit is getting weirder every second n its starting to scare me.. any chance..would one of you be interested in my daughter?, asked mr Bae changing the topic effortlessly n his ¿tone? changed too..ok..thats out of this shitty creepy place..

I might apologize myself for what im about to offense.. i actually do already have someone else in my mind, said chou as polite n respectful as always🙄

I was indeed taken aback by her confession cuz..its about her feelings n..coming from such an unemotional person its really is shocking..tho the curiosity was eating me up i wasnt going to ask since she would obviously not tell me anyways..

Both parents slowly nodded with a hint of disappointment on the face..then they turned their heads to me which was fucking scary..they smiled which made my fear increase..oh my fucking god can they stop stare at me like that😨..their behaviour is seriously scaring the crap out of me..

What about you?, they said in unison..fucking creepy

I also have someone in mind already, i said in monotone voice

Both nodded again then stood up n thanked us for everything n walked us out..

I was bout to call my driver when a sudden voice behind me made me jump a little..

Soo..who is it?

What do you mean?

She rolled her eyes, who's the lucky man that called your attention?

Why does she even care?..honestly whats with everybody n being so unexpected today?..even tho this was on a completely different level..

I dont know, i played dumb,..but why do you care anyways?, i asked

..., she remained silent but finally spoke after some seconds,...i just want to make sure of something..make sure you aint gonna be some kind of rival or smt

Wait what?!..AAAJSJLASJDSD you really thought i was gonna steal your man or smt AJHSLFHDSFH, i bursted out laughing..this girl is really unbelievable,..c'mon dude its not like we share taste,i mocked,..i mean..compete for man?..a MAN?!?, i said in disbelief,..didnt you heard i said im already interested in someone?

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