An unexpected discovery Chapter. 12

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If yall readin this you already know the TWS of Hanahaki, blood, mentions of illness, coughing, vomiting, ext. read at your own risk :D

{Chapter. 12. An unexpected discovery}

{Scotts POV}

I woke up the next morning, looking around my room and attempting to gain my line of vision from being lured into sleep for so long
I rubbed my eyes and swallowed thickly, my throat hurt terribly.
Though still, i stood up and got dressed, sitting down at my vanity to continue getting ready
but right then is when owen came upstairs

"Uh-uh. nope. no sir. get back in cozy cloths, take off your makeup and get the heck back in bed." Owen demanded, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms
"owen theres a server meeting, and an important one at that" i muttered and went back to drawing on my eyeliner
"Scott.. you have to stop doing this to yourself.." owen frowned and came up next to me placing a hand on my shoulder
"ill be fine owen. its j-" i was cut off by coughing, harsh coughing and i moved the trashcan under my vanity to next to me and spat out blood into it before putting it back
"..scott.. thats.. thats not fine.." owen mumbled and knelt down next to me
"..but i will be." i mumbled back and crossed my legs, finishing off my makeup and getting up off my chair
"scott.. please.." owen mumbled and tried to hold me back.
but i jumped off the loft and grabbed my keys before he could even reach me
"ill be back in a few hours." i muttered and pushed the door open, closing it gently

i walked through chromia for a few minutes, taking a few breaths to calm myself down
i wandered through my half dead flower fields, watering the flowers as i went in order to hopefully replenish some of them
though after awhile i set down my watering can and spread my wings.
and after while i had flown all the way to Tumble Town where this server meeting was held.
The very second i landed on the sandy grounds i felt an overwhelming sense of nausea wash over me, i brushed it off and went inside anyways.
Going over to my seat and sitting down.
The meeting dragged on for what felt like ever.
though i started to get a really bad headache only half way through.
i tried to take a deep breathe and breathe through it but it became unbearable.
i didnt even have the energy to excuse myself and just got up and went outside.
standing out there and trying to breathe, but i fell to the sand against the wall, sobbing and wrapping my arms around my stomach.
i put my head between my knees and tried to breathe between sobs.
but i failed and just curled up in a ball.

[Around 1.5 hours later]

i felt a hand on my shoulder, Shelbys.
i looked up and wiped my eyes swiftly

"hey, hey you dont have to hide it, its okay to cry! but whats wrong? are you alright.?" she asked softly with a smile
"..i-.. yeah.." i mumbled and she looked at me with a soft expression
"..Scott, you can talk to me.. you walked out in the middle of the meeting for evermoores sake-" she sighed and chuckled a little
"..sorry.. i- i just dont feel good.. u-uhm.. i- ju-just needed a bit.." i mumbled and sniffled, wiping my eyes
"hey.. how about i help you back to chromia okay? we can go back together" she offered with a smile and extended her hand
"..i-.. ide like that.." i mumbled and grabbed her hand softly as she helped me up
i took a deep breath and she grabbed her broom, floating it and sitting on it herself, helping me onto it afterwards
i took a deep breath and she started flying it towards my empire
though not even 30 minutes into the flight..

Ide fainted. 

Dark, all over again.

Just a pitch black void..

no noise..

no color...


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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