Chapter 1

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"Well we gotta go May. You're still in trouble little lady, don't think I have forgotten. Nice to meet you Gabi and um?" Peter asked, holding out his hand for the other guy to shake. Peter realized he still didn't know the guy's name despite May being a self proclaimed best friend with his daughter.
"Miguel." Miguel supplied he looked at Peter's hand for a few seconds before hesitantly shaking it. Peter noticed that Miguel's hands were calloused; his hand was almost twice as big as Peter's. Peter watched as Miguel's hand was pulled back to his side just as quickly as it had been on his.

Peter didn't know why but he felt a tingle on his hand where Miguel had last touched. Peter really was losing it; he was having weird thoughts about this man who he had just met. "Okay May seriously we have to go momma's gonna be at the apartment soon." Peter said he really needed to get going or they were going to be late.

"Aw okay." May said she pouted. May pulled Gabi in for one last big hug before saying goodbye. "Goodbye Gabi!" May shouted they were already a good ways away from Miguel and Gabi.

"Bye May!" Gabi shouted back looking over her shoulder to wave at May. May smiled, waving back Peter shook his head. The kids worked in mysterious ways. He was happy she had a friend even if she didn't know her all that well. Peter wished he had her social skills so he could easily make friends. Sadly that wasn't how the real world worked it involved socializing ew.

"Can we eat lunch with them next time?" May asked tugging on his coat sleeve to get Peter's attention.

"Maybe." Peter said he wouldn't promise anything. He had a feeling he might be seeing more of Miguel and Gabi though. He couldn't say he was disappointed. Peter swore he felt a pair of red eyes on him as he walked away from the park.

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