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After a few days the professors were close to finding Camila. And when they finally found her they went to her as soon as possible. Professor Dumbledore(Head master of Hogwarts) was worried for her. She has been lost for 13 years and no one has heard about her ever sense. She disappeared just like the "Dark Lord" did. People thought she was dead some thought she turned evil and some thought she ran somewhere no would find her. But little did they all know she was slowly dying at the Manor.

Professor Dumbledore gathered some teachers so they could help him retrieve Camila because he knew she was there and that it wouldn't be easy trying to get her back. He was surprised to see she was even alive at this time. He didn't know Camila he didn't know if she was powerful, mean, nice or a Death Eater Which feared him the most of all. Professor Dumbledore knew something was special about her he just didn't know what. He knew she wasn't the chosen one but he also knew she wasn't any ordinary girl. The reason why he knew something was different was because he knows the "Dark Lord" doesn't do anything without a reason. So he knew something was off. "Why did they take her? Why not the chosen one? What's so special about her?" He would ask himself.

But finally they arrived. Camila heard from a distance shouting and wands being swished in the air. It reminded her of her parents death and being tortured. She couldn't handle it anymore she burst into tears crying while covering her ears and shutting her eyes. It was to painful she felt like she was going through it all over again. For her the memories hurt her the most than the actual present. Until Professor Mcgonagal(Professor at Hogwarts Teaches transfiguration) heard crying she followed the sound which led her to Camila. She saw her locked in a cell rolled up in a ball crying. She opened the cell door with the spell "Alohamora". She walked into the cell Camila got up quickly as she could and stepped back. She was frightened. Mcgonagall assured her that they meant no harm.

"Its ok I'm here to rescue you I am a professor at Hogwarts have you heard of it"

"Yes I h-h-have"

Mcgonagall cut her off "Its ok you can talk to me"

"Have you seen my brother Harry Potter has he ever asked about me or even know about me". Camila said in a soft a fragile voice like she was about to start crying again.

"Yes he attends to the Hogwarts school, And of course he knows about you and asks about you everyday he is always so worried about you"

Camila smiled in relief and in hope that somebody might actually love her or even care for her. She didn't know if she should trust the professor but she didn't care if it came to her seeing her brother again.

"Yea, I remember my brother worrying about me when we were little. I miss him".

"Don't worry we will bring you to him soon we just need to wait until the other professors are done fighting".

"We need to go now!" A professor said shouting.

They went to the Portkey as fast as they could. Camila saw the boy that she sees sometimes she couldn't see all that well sense it was only a second but she saw him more clearly this time. He was about her age his eyes were brown also his hair but a little darker. She was able to see a scare on his face. But she still had no idea who he was.

When they arrived to there destination which was Hogwarts. Camila was relived she felt like she might actually believe something good was gonna happen and for that she was grateful for. But before she did anything she requested to see her brother. Dumbledore didn't disagree he thought she should see his brother after all they haven't seen each other for 13 years. When Dumbledore called Harry up to the office Harry entered a few min later.

"Hello Harry, I believe its time you meet your sister once again" Professor Dumboldore said.

"Sister?" Harry was in shock that's when Camila walked in.

"Hello Harry I missed you"

"Camila. I-I Camila I missed you so much!" Harry ran up to her and hugged her as tight as he could.

Camila was in shock no one has hugged her in years she felt happy and hugged him back as tightly as she could.

"I missed you too" she said with tears coming out of her eyes.

That's when Dumbledore interrupted "well I'm gonna leave you two alone you have lots to talk about, But remember we have a sorting ceremony to get ready for." And he vanished when walking through the doors.

Harry was going on and on about who was his friends and who he liked and how much his missed Camila. But he was also worried about her because she has been through a lot more than he thought she did. He was sad mostly because he couldn't do anything about it. But Camila was happy so it made him happier. When Harry and Camila got to know each other better and talked more Harry introduced her to his friends Hermione and Ron.  

Sense I Met You-Mathew RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now