Citrine and Peridot

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Not long after, right before the keep got snowed in for good, Lambert was spotted coming up the trail. He, too, had someone with him. Jaskier heard Vesemir, who was the one who spotted them grumble about Lambert bringing "That fucking cat again."

Jaskier was unsure of what that meant exactly, but it couldn't be anything too bad as he could hear no real malice, only fond exasperation in Vesemir's voice.

The witchers went out to meet the newcomers, as seemed to be their custom. Snow was falling hard outside when the group came in the door stomping their feet on a rug made of old rags so they didn't leave a trail of snow to melt on the floor.

It was obvious that one of the new witchers was not the same as the rest. For one thing, his eyes were green instead of the distinctive yellow of all  the others. And on closer inspection, his medallion did not have a snarling wolf's head on it, but rather a cat's. Jaskier now understood Vesemir's complaint a little better. This man must be the "fucking cat" he had been mumbling about.

The wolf witcher that came with him took one look at the group of non witchers assembled, waiting to meet them and keeled over, bursting into loud raucous laughter.

"You weren't kidding when you said Geralt brought guests the year." He said when he finally caught his breath in between fits of laughter. "Two sorceresses, a kid, and a fucking tiny dragon! What have you been up to, Geralt?"

"Lambert." Geralt grunted irritatedly.

Lambert was completely unphased by his brother's annoyance.

"Well, Geralt?" He continued. "Aren't you going to introduce me? When Vesemir said you brought guests, I assumed it was that bard of yours, not this odd assortment."

"Hmmmmmmm. Fine." Geralt finally ground out. "The girl is Ciri, my child surprise."

"Child surprise?!" Lambert couldn't help but start laughing again.

"Yes." Geralt interrupted. "The sorceresses are Yennefer of Vengerberg and Triss Merigold."

"Yennefer of Vengerberg?" Lambert sounded surprised and a bit impressed. "I've heard of you. They say you burned Nilfgaard's entire attack force to ashes at Sodden."

Yennefer tilted her head in assent.

"Damn! No wonder they're looking for you. You and that Cintran princess Cirilla."

Ciri looked away.

"No way!" Lambert exclaimed. "Seriously, Geralt?! Your child surprise is the fucking princess of Cintra! Oh, that is hilarious! Mr. I need no one, brought the whole damn family! Gods, we're never gonna let you live this down!"

The green eyed witcher then stepped forward, holding out his hand politely to Ciri. "Hello. I'm Aiden. It is wonderful to meet you, Princess."

Ciri took his hand gracefully. Aiden brought it up to his mouth to kiss the back of it.

"Oi! Aiden!" Lambert stopped laughing to yell in fake indignance upon witnessing this. "Stop that! You're making me look bad! You're my partner! You're supposed to make me look good, not the other way around!"

Aiden just laughed. "I have done nothing wrong. If you look bad, that's of your own doing. It's not my fault you don't have manners."

"Then whose fault is it?"

"Yours." Aiden grinned unrepentantly.

"Why can't it be Vesemir's fault!" Lambert whined. "He was my teacher."

Vesemir shook his head. "I taught you how to behave yourself. It is not my fault that those lessons seem not to have stuck."

"You can't control me, old man!" Lambert declared in feigned defiance. He put his hands on his hips, stuck his nose in the air, and planted his feet wide apart. He looked rather comical.

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