Prove Yourself

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"They searched his butcher's shop and found the body of all three girls under the floorboards, in the walls, when I tell you there were pieces everywhere, I mean everywhere. And again, these girls had no connection to each other and these disappearances happened over two years apart..." The familiar sound of Rotten Mango's true crime podcast blared from the phone inside the plain black case in front of Susanne on the floor in her plain, unpainted room with only a bed in the opposite corner from her.. She always listened to true crime while knitting, crocheting, whatever she was doing. "Suzy! Put some headphones on! Loud Ass!" A male voice came from outside her door as she set her project down. "You're the Loud Ass!"

She stood up from the corner she was sitting in, her black hoodie unscrunching from how she sat in her terrible posture. Opening her room door she walked down the short hall to the combination living room-kitchen where her 6' 1", blonde, pretty-boy roommate was putting cooked ground beef in a blender. "It's two weeks into the semester and you already brought home 5 girls and 7 guys. When do you even sleep?" He shrugged as he grabbed a spoon from the drawer in front of him. She grabbed the peanut butter out of his hand that he was about to spoon into the blender. "You're a disgusting creature." She said as she put the peanut butter back. "You're the one who wanted to live with me. Mom and dad would love to keep you at home as long as they can, you know?" He replied as he tossed a scoop of coffee grounds into the blender. "And drown in their coddling? No way. I'd rather deal with you." Susanne grabbed an apple from the counter, biting into it before heading back to her room to continue her project.

She sat down, picking up the loom with the pink yarn. Not her choice, she preferred neutrals. This was for her small business though, she'd started an online site to sell her knitting and crocheting projects in her junior year of high school. It had been two years since then and she now took custom orders on her site. She could get about three hats done per week, which was her most popular product. "The fact that the police had overlooked the butcher's shop to begin with seems like a crazy oversight." *Bang* Susanne's door swung open, hitting the wall. "Benny!" "Oh sorry, want any smoothie?" He swished the blender puke around. "That's not a smoothie that's vomit in a cup." Benny shrugged. "Suit yourself." He said before drinking his concoction straight from the blender he was carrying, causing Susanne to gag. "Would've been better with peanut butter." He remarked, the "smoothie" caking his cheeks in a semi circle. "Get out of my room!" She yelled at him as he dropped a bit of his concoction on the floor of her bedroom. "I'm going to the gym with Alec." He said, turning on his heel, grabbing the door handle and shutting the door most of the way before popping his head back in. "Your hair looks like shit by the way." He remarked before closing the door.

She paused her true crime podcast, annoyed with her brother's antics. Setting her project down she picked her laptop up, opening it to her school's sport page that she had pinned. This was the college she'd wanted to go to anyways and her parents had plenty of money to send her wherever she wanted to go to college but she didn't need much help from her parents in the financial department. Susanne had been scouted on her varsity baseball team back in high school. She was there on a full ride as long as she kept her grades up and played well on the school's official team.

"Ugh, first practice is tonight. The rest of the team better not suck. I don't wanna have to carry everyone." Susanne said under her breath. Before putting her laptop to the side of her, grabbing her loom once again.

Her strawberry blonde, shoulder length hair fell into her freckled face as Amelia mopped up a spilled drink at McDonald's where she was currently on the clock. "I'm so sorry, this is no excuse but my kids are just so hard to handle sometimes..." "Ma'am it's alright, things happen, this is what I'm here for." Amelia assured the woman with the brightest smile on her face. "Thank you for understanding." The woman was relieved that Amelia had such a good disposition about everything. Her good disposition didn't end at work either, it seemed no matter what had happened in her life, she was always grateful to be where she was in life.

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