Chapter 13

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I thanked the old lady after I paid for the kikufuku mochi. I left the small and humble shop and made my way to Jujutsu High. On the way to the school, I overheard some old ladies talking about a man that can heal you from any disease. Any disease? That sounds like bullshit. it's either a really talented doctor or just some scammer, it's most likely the latter though. Either way I kept listening for a bit more, after satisfied with the information I continued my nice walk. It seems like this man is operating in a large building somewhere in the city and you have to pay to be healed. Interesting. I'll tell Satoru about this later, it could be a rogue sorcerer or something.

I finally arrived at the gate of the school after a pleasant walk around town. As I entered, I saw Satoru wrapping bandages around his eyes with a scowl on his face. I approached him and wrapped my free arm around his shoulder. "Yo, Satoru." His body jumped a bit before relaxing again and turn off his infinity, I still wonder why he turned off his infinity when I'm around. Eh, probably not worth thinking about. "Kei? The hell you doing here?" I raise my hand that has the bag to him and he tilted his head to the side before eyeing the bag in my hand. "Holy shit! Is that kikufuku mochi from the old lady's shop?!" I nodded my head as he grabbed the bag from my hand. "Five boxes. Five boxes of sweet goodness! Oh you're the best, you schizo fox!" He jumped and hugged me, I just sighed and continue walking. "So, what's with the scowl earlier? It's not everyday I see you with that face." He opened one box and started eating the mochi. "Well, those higher ups got angry because Rika got out yesterday during the training."

"But, didn't she help Yuta-kun and Maki-chan along with those two kids? Why would they get angry if she helped save people?" Satoru opened another mochi and continue eating, while still hanging onto me. "Apparently, they were scared Rika could destroy the town. Which I would stop if it happened and of course they, being the blockheads that they are, want Yuta to control Rika in an instant. Also they threatened me with Yuta's execution." He said nonchalantly as he threw the mochi wrappers around. "So that's why he was in that room. They're gonna execute a kid just because of that? I mean, I know Rika's dangerous and all. But still, He's just a kid."

"That's why I asked them to delay the execution. I don't want some old geezers to steal Yuta's youth just because of that." I hummed as Satoru pointed to the field. I change my direction towards the field and see that Yuta is sparring with Maki. "Hey hey, everyone!" Satoru yelled while waving to his students, Yuta turned around to face us but got hit in the face by Maki. I stopped near the stairs and dropped Satoru, which made him yelp. "She's a bit harsh don't you think Satoru?" He groaned while using blue to keep the mochi safe before pointing his finger at me. "You're the one who's being harsh Kei! Why did you drop me when I was chewing huh?! I bit my tongue and nearly choked because of you!"

I ignored him as the students had their attention on us. "Sup students, how are you guys?" Panda stood up and faced me with a smile, I think, on his face. "Oh Kitsuroku-san! We're doing well, I don't know about sensei though." He said while pointing at Satoru who's still on the floor, I just laughed loudly as I took my phone out and started taking pictures. "Hehe, gotta show this to Shoko and Nanami. The strongest got hurt from falling on his ass and biting his tongue."

Maki and Yuta continue their spar as I was busy laughing and taking pictures of Satoru. After taking enough pictures, I shifted my attention to the two, Yuta's form is much better than before. But, that's not enough to beat Maki. I took a seat next to Panda as Yuta challenged Maki again. "It's been three months since Yuta came to this school. He has been able to move a lot and he has become a more positive guy." I heard Satoru let out a noise of agreement as he fold his arms. "Syake." I heard the kid next to Panda, Toge I believe his name was, said. "Yeah, Maki seems to be having fun too. There weren't many chances for her to spar with another weapon user." Toge nodded his head as Panda's body became tense for a bit before yelling and calling Yuta over. I smile in amusement, waiting for what Panda's gonna tell to Yuta

"What is it, Panda-kun?" Panda ushered Yuta to come closer. "I have a serious question! Listen carefully!" Yuta stands in front of Panda as the black and white bear wrapped his arms around Yuta's shoulder. "So, boobs. Big or small?" Yuta seemed taken aback by the question and started blushing while stuttering. "I-I haven't really thought about it..." Panda hums while nodding his head. "I-I guess I like them more normal sized..." Panda let out a long oh before looking at Maki who was in the middle of the field. "Maki!" The girl look at the direction of Panda as he's doing a weird pose. "You have a chance~" Maki's eye then twitched before she started chasing Panda around the field while yelling. "Hahah what are they even talking about?" Yuta said nervously while pointing at the two. "Konbu." Toge said while looking at Yuta blankly.

"Alright, gather round folks!" Satoru yelled while clapping his hands. He looks to the side and points at Maki and Panda, who are now fighting each other. "Those two will continue to train for a while. Toge!" The kid looked at Satoru with a bored look on his face. "You've been assigned for a mission. It's a curse suitable for you. Go exorcise it in a jiffy." Toge nodded his head while Yuta looked at the boy beside him. "Assigned..." He said while still looking at Toge, Panda then rolled in with Maki putting her legs on his back. "Toge is the only grade 2 sorcerer among the first-years, so he can take solo missions."

"Wow... That's amazing." Yuta said in amazement. "Tag along, Yuta. You're gonna be Toge's support or rather, try observing him since jujutsu arts are very diverse. Toge's 'cursed speech' is an example of that. Study it closely." Yuta nodded and I was suddenly grabbed in the shoulders by Satoru. "And since I have some business to attend to, Kei here is gonna supervise you two!" I look at him with an annoyed face. "Why am I suddenly taking over your job?"

"Because I'm your bestest friend in the whole world and you're willing to do anything for me?" He said in a cutesy voice, I look at him with a grossed out face and hit the back of his head. "Idiot. I better get paid for this, I won't babysit your students while you wander around doing God knows what for free." He gives me a thumbs up with a grin on his face. "Don't worry about that! I'll talk to Mr. Yaga about it!" I sigh and accept my fate. "Just make sure Rika doesn't come out okay, Yuta? Use Rika's power to the point that you can control it with your sword. If she fully comes out again, you and I are gonna get killed HAHAHA!" Satoru said while rubbing the back of his head and made Yuta more anxious from the pressure. "Dumbass, don't scare the kid like that." I elbowed Satoru's ribs and he stopped laughing. "That hurt Kei~. But, with you watching over them, I'm sure everything will be just fine!" He gave us thumbs ups before turning around and starting walking away with the bag of kikufuku mochi in his hand. "Ijichi should be here any minute now, so you better get ready. Bye now! You better watch over them Kei! Or else I'm gonna spread some bad rumors about you!"

I sigh and slump my shoulders a bit, this is a bit troublesome. I was gonna have a nice day of sleeping and spending time with Tamamo. I looked over the two students that I'm gonna supervise, Toge seemed calm and collected. Yuta, on the other hand, looks very nervous and anxious. "Alright boys, you heard your teacher. Go get ready and meet me at the gate when you're done." I wave bye at them while walking away towards the gate.

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