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Monster CatNap


Hurt and tired y/n crawled over to one of the bunk beds that were set up in perfect rows. It had some blood stains on it, but it was all they could get right now. They had fallen down a hole in the ground and scrapped their leg to a piece of wood that was sticking out. They had climbed back up and pushed herself towards a bed.

They lay down on the mattress and groan in pain. "Fuck..." They curse as they saw the blood drip on the ground. There was a piece of wood sticking out of the wound. They try to take it out but their hand was heavily trembling from the adrenaline and fear of being caught by Catnap.

They figured it was the best if they rested for a bit to calm down a bit so they could cure their wound later. As soon as they thought they were safe they heard footsteps nearing them. They quickly tried to search for a place to hide but it was no use. He already was in the room, scenting their presence...

He neared them, ready to attack before noticing the wound on their leg. "You're hurt..." He said with a deep voice. They didn't know he could speak! He leaned down and seemed to be thinking about something. "Are you gonna kill me..?" They asked with a trembling voice. "Later..." He said before gently taking the piece of wood and pulling it out of their leg, at which they whined in pain.

He threw the piece of wood away, knocking something else over in the process before facing them again. He brought his tongue to the wound and started licking up the blood, trying to resist the urge of eating them at the taste of the blood.

They watched closely as he treated the wound and wrapped a piece of cloth around it. "Still wanna eat me..?" They asked and he sighed. "Later... now rest." He demanded as he curled around her for protection? He purred softly as he fell asleep soundly. They sighed before closing their eyes as well, drifting off to sleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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